
Question about donating to charities?

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Currently I donate around 25 dollars a year to about 10 different charities (25 dollars per charity, ends up being around 250 a year, sometimes I give a little more or less depending on my finances at the time). I got to thinking about this the other day. Is it better to donate a little to many different charities, or to donate a more significant amount to one or two charities.




  1. I have to make a comment to James M as someone who works for a charity and is fairly paid. You think that 85,000 is excessive for a salary but you probably have no idea what that person does. He or she could probably make twice that amount working for a corporation but chooses a lesser salary to put their talents towards a good cause! Charities desperately need these people to compete for donor dollars and carry out their missions!

    To answer the real question: it's entirely up to you how you give. Charities are usually happy to even get $1 if enough people donate. If 20 causes are important to you, then by all means, give what you can afford to all of them.

  2. That's a good question, actually. I donate my money to one specific Children's Hospice. One day me and my friends saved our coins for a year, and was able to donate 900.00 to them.

    On the other hand, I do donate elsewhere in the form of Arts and Crafts, Teddy Bears, Toys, Coloring Books, etc. So it's really up to you. I am sure that all of the charities you donate to are thankful for your donation. A Little goes a long way, and it's totally up to you.

  3. I'm surprised at the above answer... I've worked in fund raising (to get funds to donate to other organizations) and stating that all charities except religious ones pay huge amounts to their upper management is completely incorrect.

    But, that wasn't your question. To reply to your question, I personally feel that it's better to donate larger amounts to 2 or 3 organizations as opposed to what you're doing (spreading it out). It's true that all charities must take some of the donated money for administration, but this is usually less than 20%.

    I donate $35/month to a child sponsorship program and $50-$100 per year for a heart and stroke charity. I used to spread it all out but after I started to actually work for a charitable campaign, I realized that it's better to donate a larger amount to one or a few organizations. Just think - what will $25 (minus the admin fee) do for, say, an animal shelter? And what would $250 do for that same animal shelter? Although you won't be able to help the other organizations anymore, that money will go a lot further when used at one organization as opposed to spread out.

    I don't know if this makes sense... but in summary, it is better to put your funds together to fewer orgs! The hardest part, I think, will be trying to narrow it down and choose!! That was my problem when I narrowed my donation sites down. Consider volunteering for one of the charities if you feel guilty, etc. That's what I did.

  4. There's no right answer because it depends on what's important to you.

    Some people give to specific causes while others want to give but don't know who to give to.

    If you're unsure, I'd suggest giving to your local United Way because they serve as a "clearinghouse" for local non-profits  who would not receive funding otherwise.

    For example, a "low profile" charity who serves a community that is not "high profile" may not receive donations - not because it's not deserving - but because people don't know it exists. Also, the United Way allows folks to give through payroll deduction so you can give more if you like.

    If you really like giving to the ten organizations you're already affiliated with but want to give more, you may contact them directly and ask to be set up on a payment plan so that your donation is deducted regularly (ex. $125 to two organizations over 12 months).

    Finally, if you give $250 a year, you can get a tax break if you live in the US. Keep your receipts (or cancelled checks) if you'd like to claim this deduction.

  5. I have decided to give directly to a few local groups, I called the local animal shelter to find out what they needed as well as a shopping trip to the store for the local food shelf.

    By doing this I am giving what is needed most. I have also sent clothing and toys to local homeless shelters. I prefer to do this rather then sending a check.

  6. In most cases, nearly all that we looked at,  charity donations are a plain waste of money.    You will find that the top people running these charities  "pay themselves first"   huge sums of money and expense accounts.  

    So we stopped donating entirely except to the  Salvation Army and some Church charities which dont have these highly paid administrators.

    For example,  of the 15 charities we looked at.   The  head of the charity paid themselves in excess of  $85,000.  With expenses, most ran well over  $150,000 for the head of the charity.   Many had family members on their staff.  Those family members were paid far beyond  what their jobs were worth.

    We found out that about 50% of the charities do nothing more than publish pamphlets and distribute them.  This is called   "education of public"  

    Our business does not donate to charities.   As ive said above,  putting it plainly, I do not donate only to a select one or two which ive checked out quite thoroughly.   The others they  feather their own nest and give nearly nothing to those in need.  

    In your case,  for the total  $250  give it to a charity that will put it to good use, not pay executives.  Those are the Church charities and the  Salvation Army.

  7. i do the same but ithink spreading it around is best.

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