
Question about dreams: I've had recurring dreams where I'm with a group of people I don't know in real life.

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In a setting I'm unfamiliar with in real life, but I interact in the dream as though the people and setting are familiar. The dreams can be fairly complicated as well. Does this mean anything?




  1. Dreams

    There are many theories as to what dreams are although no one can prove their theories, this subject will always be up for debate.

    There are five basic human senses that normal people have. Those being sight, sound, taste, scent and touch. These senses are like probes sending information back to the brain. During times when we are awake these senses work picking up all sorts of information some new and some that has been picked up before. In order for our senses to continue to work in this manner we put up blocks inside our minds to sort out unimportant information that we do not need at the time. Although we can not stop the information we are able to for the most part not dwell upon it. Through a very small percentage of our brains we can call up information to help us function normally and still be able to do problem solving if we should need to.

    During our sleep time our senses slow down as there is not much information to gather up which allows our brains to speed up to process all of the information our senses picked up. At this time our brains working percentage is very high and the blocks we put up are no longer there. All the information we gathered are now speeding through our minds sorting them and placing them in our minds filing system. The small percentage of brain that controls the senses catches glimpses of this information and tries to analyze it by placing them together like a puzzle. When things do not add up to make sense to us we then search for information to fill in any empty spaces in these thoughts. We also visualize this information using thought images which are what we call dreams. We are able to do this by using the information that our sight sense had picked up.

    In our dreams we seem to defy normal laws of nature. Where as we can sometimes float or fly. Animals sometimes talk. In short while we are dreaming anything the human mind can imagine can happen in our dreams.

    Our emotions play a key role setting our moods and the direction our dreams will go. If we are upset or scared this will dictate our dreams to react in a negative way and if we are happy or excited then they will react in a positive way.

    To understand dreams we must understand how the mind pieces them together. It is a large percentage of new information and a small percentage of old information. Our short term memory we have plays the larger percentage role and is the key element in which our dreams are based on. Our long term memory are fillers to make what we see blend together.

    When we wake up sometimes we can recall a dream but this is mainly based on our emotional state of mind. Many say they do not dream often and that isn't possible. What has happened was their emotions were basically neutral during sleep that their dreams won't be recalled. The more emotional we are when we slept and when we had become awake, the more detail we remember which will also dictate how long we can maintain it's memory. In some cases the dream can be so dramatic that we allow the dream itself to become a memory which can be bad and trick our minds into thinking this event really took place. We tend to dwell on the dream or try and figure it's meaning out which will do more harm than good. We can see the effects of holding unto these false memories through people experiencing  deja vu, which is a minor effect but can also be seen in more harmful effects such as dilutions, paranoia, schizophrenia.

    The plain and simple truth is our dreams are our thoughts and images we encounter and nothing more. Putting too much stock in predicting the future or having hidden mental abilities through our dreams can cause you more harm than good. Best to let them fade away.

  2. There is a "Dream Interpretation" section under "Social Science".  Don't ask me why.


  3. If you keep having the same dream over and over then that means eventually it will happen in real life. My mom had reacurring dream a couple years ago about a tornado hitting our house and she had to run to a payphone to call 9-1-1 and the EXACT same thing happened in real life. She has also had her reacurring dreams that have happened. Good luck!

  4. Just the fact that you are having the same dream many times makes it meaningful so i suggest try to go to find out what it means. I personally dont believe that you can find what the dream means by reading a book about it because that would suggest that when you see something in a dream, it means the same thing to everyone and thus there is a universal meaning. I think its personal and you could perhaps go to a psychologist trained to help you interpret what that dream means to you:)hope that helps;)

  5. You are going on a long trip.

  6. I think dreams can be metaphorical or expressions of our selves that we have not allowed into conscious thought.

    Food for thought:  Are you interacting in ways you usually do?  If there are differences, it may be an expression of a way you would like to be.  Perhaps a yearning for new experiences?

  7. The best way to understand the dream is to analyze how the dream makes you feel during it. The best way is to analyze it right after you wake up.

    Do you feel anxious, afraid, in charge, excited, happy... etc.

    Then think back to the last time outside a dream you felt the same way.

    Were you talking to your mother, at school, at work?

    Think less about the images as being meaningful, and let the feelings fill in the meaning.

    Also, keeping a journal in which you record the images and feeling in the morning can be helpful.

    You are the best equipped for interpeting your dreams, dont let someone start tearing it apart and analyzing the symbolism, as symbolism is cultural and you might think in different symbols than someone else.

    For example, one person might see a crowd as scary and threatening, while another person sees a crowd as an opportunity, and welcoming.

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