
Question about drinking to get drunk?

by  |  earlier

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I went to, two party's in the last three days i drank so much and i never even got a little drunk. I drove home and was fine. I got up the next morning with a killer hangover. Yet I was not impared that night? i am not a heavy drinker, just decided to party. Is there somthing wrong with me? I used to be able to drink and get drunk and wake up hangover less. But now killer hang over no drunk. Even my friends say i wsnt even acting buzzed.




  1. hangovers depend on a lot of factors. what you drink is improtant, and how much. also if you are mixing different types of alcohol you are more likely to get a hangover.  wine also can cause headaches in the morning or before you fall asleep because of all the sugar.

    your friends probably were buzzed themselves so they might not be the best judge. you shouldn't think too much about it unless it is a problem...if hangovers are a problem - change the way you are drinking.

  2. Hangovers are mainly a case of dehydration.  It's a good idea to fit two or three glasses of water in your drinking regimen, and finish the night off with a gatorade.  Single soldiers in the army have been called the healthiest alcoholics in the world, and this is largely because we learn to stay hydrated when we drink.  (and the fact that we just get used to being hung over and running four miles, but the hydration helps.)

    The not feeling drunk thing is actually dependent on a lot of different factors that you wouldn't think to consider.  The warmer the ambient temperature, and the more humidity in the air the less drunk you will feel.  At a certain point you completely bypass being tipsy and just feel sick or tired.  So remember to drink in cool temperatures.

    If your goal is to get wasted then eat very light meals and avoid breads all together.   A good "I'm gonna get trashed tonight" meal is a couple Slim Jims and a cigarette.  And don't eat while you're drinking.  Just drink.  

    Finally your mentality has a lot to do with it.  If you wanted to get wasted, and you equated getting wasted with the quantity of alcohol you were going to consume then you mentally prepared to handle tons of drink.  You should go in it with the mentality of getting drunk as fast as possible.  That gives you the cheap drunk mentality.  

    And don't drink beer expecting a killer drunkenness.  Drink some Steel Reserve really fast, and a few shots of alcohol.

    The science says you should consume a complete drink every twenty minutes for a period of two hours to achieve the ultimate state of buzz.  Any faster or any longer and you'll just get sloppy.  After the two hour sprint, slow it down to the normal two drinks an hour standard and by the end of the night you'll be visably inebriated.

    Finally, any amount of drinking followed by driving is criminally stupid.  No matter how you feel.  Don't do it.  You still would have blown hot, and despite what everyone thinks cops do _not_ need a reason to pull you over.  Suspicion is plenty, and then smell is enough to give a FST.  Pick a bar that's walking distance from your house, arrange transportation, or plan to sleep where you are.  Drinking and driving is an arrogant, pointless, ignorant activity.  Don't do it.

  3. I highly doubt that you weren't buzzed.  You don't get a hangover without drinking enough to get atleast drunk.  It took me a long time to get drunk enough to have a hangover.  But I was plenty drunk without hangovers.

    You can do numerous easy things to figure out if you are drunk or not.  For example, it's hard to read a book if you are drunk.  So sit down and read about 10 pages.  Comprehension and memory are affected, so go back and see what you remember when you re-read it.  Try something more intellectual, for example, some basic calculus, physics, or chemistry.  Try typing a document with the spell checker enabled.  Or playing Tetris.  None of these things require someone else to even be there.  Your friends say you weren't acting buzzed because they were more drunk than you were, so they thought you were normal or they just forgot how you actually were and remember you weren't as drunk, so you must've been fine.

    You would have failed the breathalyzer.  It takes 2-3 drinks to fail it, and since BAC increases about 20 minutes after drinking, you would need to wait atleast 2 hours before you were legal, add 1 hour for each additional drink.  And that's a minimum, you still might fail it!  Whether or not you think you are impaired is not a good enough basis for whether you are legal to drive or not.  I've never driven after drinking and have continually stopped friends from doing so.  I've actually had my friends thank me for not letting them drive, maybe you need someone to hold onto your keys when you go to a party.

    It's not cool to brag about how much you can drink without feeling it.  It's just physically impossible.... except for two groups of people.  If you belong to either group, you may actually have had that experience, but I feel sorry for you either way.  Group 1: The extremely obese, over 600 lbs.  What can I say, more liquid in their body, lower BAC for the same amount consumed.  Group 2: The 50% of Asians with a genetic mutation which causes their face to turn flush red when they drink.  You would think the red face would clue you in, though, wouldn't you?  [This group turns alcohol into acetalehyde quicker than normal, while converting that into acetic acid slower.  In turn, the acetalehyde turns your face red and makes you sick, as it is more toxic than alcohol.]

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