
Question about driving and the law?

by  |  earlier

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So my cousin just got her permit, and in about six months she's going to get her provisional license, the thing about it is, according to her, she's not able to drive anyone who's under the age of 20 unless there's a driver over the age of 25 with her. When I was in high school, kids would give other kids rides all the time.

Is there some kind of a loophole in this law, or were they just breaking the law?

Also, how much is the fine if you are driving a minor when you aren't supposed to be?




  1. she is right. and yes people in high school did drive each other i never thought about that though... the fine depends on what state you live in you can find out the exact fine at the states DMV site.

  2. 1. It would depend on your age because many years ago it was not required.

    2. If you are still young then they were just breaking the law.

    3. The fine could be the loss of your license...

  3. they were breaking the most states you can drive when 16, with someone 21 OR older in the car, until you get your permanent license.

    It depends on the state/city, all fines are different.

    So call up your local courthouse and ask.

  4. they were probably just breaking the law, or it may have changed. In oregon if you are under 18, you can't have any passengers under the age of 21 I believe for like the first 6 months you have your license.... I could be totally off on that, but basically the laws are similar. But the law is less than 10 years old. That was one reason I waited til I was 18 to get my license lol

  5. first off you will loose your license  indefinitely and yes chances are they were braking the law.

  6. It's a newer law so when you were driving it probably wasn't that way.  I was able to drive no problem the day I got my license but both of my younger sisters have this provisional license BS to deal with.  The fines depend on the town, I think.  In my area some towns don't care and some bust you big time.

  7. The law just recently went into effect.  (I'm not sure when..)

    And even more recently,  they extended the period that you can't drive other kids underage,  from 6 months to 1 year.

    And also you can't drive  between the hours of 11pm-5am.

    Just for the first year you have your license.

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