
Question about drug testing in the workplace?

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It is becoming increasingly annoying for anyone looking to score a part time job in Austin as more and more companies are jumping on the drug testing band wagon..... my question is this..... how do you pass a urine drug test if you KNOW there will be THC..... I know there are detox kits and ghetto home remedies BUT this is going to be for someone who has smoked nearly EVERYDAY for the passed 3 or 4 years.... Austin is a college town and it's irritating knowing that ALL of these college students are burning one behind the dumpster during their break.... How in the h**l did they manage to get the job in the first place? Usually, it's pre-employment drug screen and after that, you don't have to worry about it....

Does anyone know of anything I can buy in a head shop that WILL work.... I'm not going to do anything stupid like attach someone else's urine to my leg.... I'm not that desperate..... thanks for any help and if you're just going to be an a*****e, do it elsewhere




  1. I hear that companies are also testing if your urine has been diluted (what those over the counter drinks do)... but for real,  it only stays in your urine for 30 days.  No matter how many years you've been blazing.   So you just have to go on a blunt fast for 30 days.  And in case the company does the surprise cut a hair off- Just  shave your head.

  2. if u have been smoking everyday for 3 to 4 years then if u stop now no matter what u do it will take up to 2 and a half months to get out of ur system

  3. STOP smoking your getting to old for that kind of c**p,plus why are you wasting your mind???????

  4. The masking agents they sell at head shops will work regardless of how much you smoke (they taste terrible tho), if THC is in your system, it's in your system, and an employer doesn't care how high the levels are. However, more high end drug testing labs also screen for masking agents, and potential employers will hold it against you if those show up. Your best bet is to stop smoking for a month and then go looking for a job. It doesn't matter how much or how long you've smoked, or how high your THC levels are, your system will clean itself out over the period of 28-30 days if you don't smoke any weed.

  5. Hey, I live in Austin too.  I totally agree with you.  In a town that is known for college students and hippies everyone is testing...everyone.  I have only lived here for a year.  I moved from Atlanta.  Anyway I smoked for about 10 years straight just about every single day.  I lost my job here which I transfered with from ATL.  I knew I was screwed because I wasn't clean and everywhere I looked was testing.  I actually got offered a job and thought I'd be good for the test after taking one of those detox drinks and drinking water for a few days.  NO!  I failed.  Labs can detect if you've taken one of those drinks and will check the temperature of your urine.  The best thing to do honestly is just quit.  I quit back in February.  I hated having to do it but I realized I would never get a meaningful job if I kept smoking.  I ended up buying one of those at home tests and passed.  I waited about 45 days before I took it.  I was so happy.  That allowed me to try and get a job anywhere and not worry.  Once you work it's ok to do it every once in a while...It can stay in your system for as little as 3 days if you do it like once or twice a month.  Regular use will stay in your system for 28-45 days.  THC is a fat soliuble drug and it's found in your fat cells.  A lot of people are misinformed about this.  It all depends on your weight, metabolism etc...I wouldn't waste my money on the detox drinks because they will tell if you took something.  If you can just wait a few weeks and test yourself before hand.  I hope I helped you out a little bit.  Good Luck.

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