
Question about edge?

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okay. youre entitled to your opinion and everyting.

but dont you think taker still put edge over even though edge lost. taker is not overated nor is edge. edge is a d**n taltened man with a lot in store for him. i just dont like how edgeheads start complainig everytime edge loses to the undertaker. they think that losing to him is going to drag him down. edge got the best win off the feud at ons at his home. TLC. taker and edge have tremendous respect for eachother behind the scenes taker has helped hm alot over the years. i know it. tekr dosent care about titles and barely wrestles now cause hes at the end of his carrer all he wnats to do is help others out. some refuse to belive it but its true. what do you think. be reasonable and dont be an ***. keep it real please.




  1. Yeah, He definitly put Edge way over last night, That match would of got edge tons of respect especially from Taker himself.

    He did what many wrestlers woulden't be willing to do last night and I would say he has become one of the top guys backstage now and has tons of respect for that match

  2. while i really dislike undertaker he does have talent. I agree with you about Edge gaining respect. Im an Edgehead and i get mad when he loses but it is true that they respect each other. i also think that the way la famila is treating Edge will cause ppl to lose respect for them. I hate how all these ppl were total Edge fans yesterday now they are calling him an "arragont punk" well he's not. and undertaker has had alonger career but that doesn't make him a "better" man than Edge. He may be better at HIAC but not at TLC. if smackdown storyline has them fueding then they must be equals

  3. Edge put on one h**l of a show last night, I agree, we all knew going into it that Undertaker would win...but it was definitely a great main event.  Edge is very talented and though it wasn't 'his night' I think in the near future the tables will turn and the spotlight will be totally his.  It was obvious to me by his performance last night...dare I say that I thought maybe it was going to be an upset with him the champ...?  I don't think the Undertaker is really out to help anyone though, think about it....he has hardly ever held a title and he's at the end of his career, and maybe a bit bitter to see all of the young guys being given titles (or the chance at them) without much effort.  He gets to wrestle maybe once a month and for titles and belts , just a rockin entrance and a decent following...where's the belt?  Not around his waist...yes, I'd say he's bitter.

  4. The Undertaker wrestles consistently still. He's not near the end of his career, and he's probably in the best shape of his life right now. I think Edge will continue to lose to the Undertaker simply because the WWE does want the Undertaker to be remembered as the guy who beat Edge, as opposed to the guy who couldn't beat Edge but will went 16-0. And I've heard that the Undertaker (real name: Mark William Calaway). But the Undertaker is 43 right now, so he might be considering retirement, but if injuries don't occur and he still has the fire to wrestle, I think he'll still be around for a couple more years.

  5. Yes my love for Edge will never diminish no matter how many times he loses to Taker or anyone else for that matter.

    My heart will always feeleth warmness for the man whom Thou callest Edge :)  

  6. Taker really did put Edge over last night  the match was amazing and I'm not kvetching (complaining) the match was not bloody enough for my liking I mean when you see a h**l in a cell you expect there to be some major gore, right? even if it is just fake blood packs

    I hope there's a world title shot in Edge's future and even though I know it was pretty much just a storyline I was enjoying everything up until July 11th 2008

    you know what? Edge needs retribution from Triple H... big time!!!

  7. well no offence to edge fans i dont really care if edge comes back for the stroyline i dont care if he died he deserved it undertaker is the best he is the phoenom he proved anger to edge for what he did to him and unertaker proved to be the BETTER man

  8. Yeah,he's been here for 10 years and has accomplished many championships.He put on a h**l out of a performance last night.I tink he should be respected by WWE and the fans.

  9. Edge sucks. **STARRED** though for saying we're entitled to our own opinions... Some people on here don't realize that... So thanks.


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