
Question about enrolling into community college. Someone please help.

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I left high school after I took my GED in school. My parents told me that once I pass it in school then I can just leave. i was behind in tons of credits due to an illness, and was never going to catch up with credits. I am 18 now and I wish to enroll in a community college but I hear that you have to pay to take the California High School Proficiency Exam to get your GED.

Can I get into community college without graduating and the exit exam you are forced to take in high school?




  1. is my understanding that in California, 11th graders must take the CA High School Exit Exam (this was a required test for my HS class) and pass it if they want to graduate. The GED, or General Education Development is only for people that didnt get a high school diploma. Students dont take that exam to get a GED. They take it to get a high school diploma (along with meeting the minimum credit requirements for graduation) The GED is separate from the exit exam and the proficiency exam.

    The CA high school proficiency exam (CHSPE) is an early exit exam for high school students that are in their second semester of the 10th grade, or any student that is 16-18 and has enrolled in the 10th grade for 2 or more semesters. If you pass this exam, you would earn a CA high school proficiency exam degree and that is equivalent to a high school diploma. HOWEVER, this exam is only recoginized in the state of California. It might not be vaild in other states.

    All community colleges would probably require either a GED, high school diploma or an equivalent to that. You need one of them to enroll in community college (thats the law...i think...i'm sure its a rule at the school) I would strongly suggest studying for the GED test and get your GED because you will need it. The test is supposed to be easy and so is the CA high school proficiency exam.

  2. I too am confused. I'll assume you've taken and failed the GED test, but you want to know if you can get into community college which the answer would be maybe. It seems that the California System of Community Colleges admits some students that lack a degree or GED under provisional basis. I'd assume you'd have to go in for an interview so you should be prepared to prove that your dedicated enough to handle the tougher classes.

    Good Luck!!

  3. I am confused. You took and passed your GED? if the college is open enrollment, meaning anyone with a high school diploma or GED can enroll, than you do not need to take any more state tests. You will need to take tests at the college in reading, writing and math (at least that is how it often is) to be placed withing the college.

  4. i go to community college my self and i know a lot about how it works (at least in south CA).

    you do not need to have a diploma or be a high school graduate in order to enroll in classes.

    how ever if you are taking any math base or english base classes you need to do placement test.

    please let me know if you have any other QU

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