
Question about farming...?

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can u describe farming in general, describe when farmers use acids and bases, the saftey precautions used when dealing with the acids and bases, and when the PH scale is used.




  1. acids and bases are usually used for the production of cash crops. When a farmer adds round up or herbicides or insecticides to a soil they will eventually build up and the soil needs to be brought back to a close to neutral zone. Farming is the production of food in a large scale. that scale has to do with field crops, livestock, and produce. The two types of farming are organic and conventional (uses chemicals)

  2. Farmers work with soils and soils can be either acidic or alkaline. They generally don't work with strong acids or caustic substances that they would need to wear protection from like a lab technician would. They would sometimes handle concentrated sulfuric acid when dealing with car or tractor batteries which they should war protection from, just like everyone else. The soil pH scale runs from 1 to 14, with 1 being the most acidic, 14 the most alkaline, and 7 being neutral.. Most soils will fall in the 5 to 8.5 range, with most in the acidic range. Farmers will try to keep their soils adjusted into pH range of 6 to 7. Soils will tend to get more acidic as they are cropped and when the pH falls to 5.5 to 5.8 they will apply limestone to bring it back closer to 7. Most soils will require limestone every 5 to 7 years. In places where soils are alkaline (above pH 7) they will apply Sulfur in some form, usually in Sulfur containing fertilizer. The Sulfur will react with the soil to form a weak Sulfuric acid and bring the pH back down to close to neutral (around pH7). When the soil gets too acidic or too alkaline it affects the form that nutrients needed by crops are held in the soil, and the become unavailable to the crops.

  3. It seems to be that you need to know about soil science. Collect the soil sample and send it for analysis. The ideal soil PH is 5.5 and based on PH result by analysis, you may either incorporate lime stone or calcium hydroxide (Slaked lime) to enhance PH from acidic PH to 5.5 or 6. If your soil is slightly alkaline ie. above 7, you may bring it down by proper drainage and straight fertilizers like urea application.

    The availablity of soil nutrients is decided by soil PH.

  4. I add citric acid to water to make Roundup herbicide have more killing power.  Its food grade stuff so look, no gloves!

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