
Question about fasting...

by Guest59148  |  earlier

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if (most)christians are being very considerate when we are fasting,and they dnt eat,drink or smoke in public....should we do the same,when they are fasting?




  1. Islam cancels out the messages that came before it, and Allaah will not accept any other religion from anyone who comes to know of Islam during his lifetime. If people submit in Islaam to the Lord of the Worlds, follow the Best of the Messengers, Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), and do righteous deeds, then Allaah will be pleased with them and will bless them with a good life in this world and the next.

    Showing this kind of respect to them is like admitting their "religion" and their way of practising it. What they do of ways showing respect (towards us) is their business. Should i show my kind of respect to them? If they are doing this, they should do it to please God according to their beliefs, not to earn our respect in return, this isn't a win-win situation. What is next step of bending down to their beliefs according to your question? Their way to the Vaticaan, just as us like hadj?

    We show enough respect for (our) Prophet Eesa Alaihi wa sallam, let them to the same by Muhammed sall Allaahu alaihi wa sallam.. I see only churches preaching hate towards Islaam and Muslims (in Netherlands)...    

  2. why are u want to know about chiristian fasting when u know u are on right path why u are seeing bad peoples in surah fatiha waladdualin is for chirstian

  3. they do this in public!!

    who said they don't eat,drink or smoke in public?

    Ok, in my  area most don't!! D

    anyway, we should always respect them!!

  4. Do you now when they(christans) make our muslim brothers prisoners how they punish them in ramadan???

    they eat and drink infront of them and force them to drink...

  5. We respect anyone respect us.

  6. i dont know

  7. Do they :| never seen them i think they are very Open in eating drinking and smoking !

    Just like we Muslims eat and drink(water) when they are fasting !

  8. yes sure why not.  Respect is a two way street,  You cannot demand it and yet be so stingy to give it in return.

  9. we should too

  10. good point

  11. yep you should respect everybody

  12. Well, Christians don't fast, do they?

    If you're talking about lent, then one Christian gives up chocolate while the other smoking or something. If you asked the whole of Britain what it gave up for lent, you'd starve to death

  13. I guess you are talking about Egyptian Christians.Christians in USA are not like this.Most of them dont even know what is Ramadan.

  14. sure. It's a part of being humanistic and Islam does support humanity and justice and fair treatment for all. However, it's not gonna be a sin if u don't take care and eat in front of christians while they fast, but it's good if u don't and shows courtesy.  

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