I split up with the father of my children 7 months ago. My girls are 9 months old (twins). There was alot of verbal abuse and threats of taking the girls away from me. So under my social workers advice I left him. He made a visit to my house this afternoon to see his girls. I let him. He was very polite and he has stated that he wants to see his girls more often. My mum hates him because of what he has done to me. So she was a little bit upset when I told her he wants more access. I told her he has a right to see his kids and she said he has done nothing for them, which is true because he has not bought anything for his girls, not even nappys. I want my girls to know there father. My mum has a bad temper and I am scared she will have an outburst in front of my girls when the father comes to visit. I have told my mother numerous times that she has a temper problem. The thing is I want my girls to live in an environment where there is no one fighting and yelling at each other. I left the father because of his verbal attacks at me so I don't need my mother doing the same. Both him and my mother have anger issues and they both think they are right, so which means my girls and I suffer. I live with my mother but I will be moving into public housing once I get approved ( goodness knows how long that will be) how should I approach this?