
Question about feeling sick when running?

by  |  earlier

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Just been for a run in the park. I dont normally run, but i felt like i wanted to 'wake myself up'- so i did, going quite fast at first. after 10 minutes i felt like i was on fire- i could taste blood, my ears burned and i felt really sick, like my chest was ripping. Is this normal?? im not overweight, have a BMI of about 24 and i regularly horseride. Help!




  1. Before doing any exercise, u have to warm up at least 15 minutes. Also after or before doing  exercise  do not drink the water fast. Do it slowly... ok

    exercise at least 3 times a day for 20 minutes

  2. thats normal. next time make sure you stretch do a warm up and some excersizes. but thats mostly normal. iv gotten every one of those things before after running. youll be fine.

  3. Though warming up helps, it's not always necassary for normal distance running. You're main mistake was probably inexperiance and poor conditioning. Though you make not be overweight, it doesn't mean your in shape. What you should keep in mind for you next time out distance running is to plan out a short course and to start off slow and then work off the pace from there. If you feel good, then you can start going faster. For new distance runners, it's important to find out how to run correctly for YOU. No matter what quality of an athlete, you should still start off with some stretching to get limber.

    Also, make sure to stay hyrdated. The blood taste could have been dehydration setting in; it has a salty taste like blood due to loss of potassium. For this, eating things like bananas will help replenish these salts and also prevent cramping.

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