
Question about fingerprints?

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My wife and I both watch CSI, and we argue over how much of the show is even possible. One of the biggest things, is fingerprints, they seem to be able to lift fingerprints off of just about anything.

So, to settle this up lol, I'm wondering what all fingerprints "can't" be lifted off of.

I've told her, you can't take fingerprints off of another humans skin, wood, rock, and I'm sure the list is longer. I'd imaging because of surface tension on water, its hard to lift off of anything that was wet when it was touched, unless they touched it hard enough to displace the water between their finger and the item.

Anyone here in law enforcement that can give us the real scoop?




  1. trust me

    fingerprints are everywhere and can be detected if it has been in water, through explosion

    somehow forencists have a way to piecing the fingerprints back together

    even if two million people have touched a long as its not dated so far back, they have a way of isolating different fingerprints

  2. Could we? Probably.  Can we? Not always.  The scene of a robbery or homicide? Absolutely.  The door handle of a car that has been in the rain all night and 2 CD's and the change from the ashtray is missing?  Unfair to the victim but, no.  It costs money and man hours that simply are not in the budget.  

  3. well you pretty much hit the nail on the head! also fingerprints can freeze and heat. I believe at 32 degrees (guesstimate dont hold me to it) they freeze and parts can break off and at 82 degrees they will heat and smudge very easily rocks also are nearly impossible to get a fingerprint off of other than that though your pretty much dead on!

  4. well chances are that they may find fingerprints in just about anything but what gets more criminals are the tiny pieces of evidence that they find and match it  

  5. Not in law enforcement but an avid reader...........Surprised me that you can get prints off a feather

    Yes it is possible at times to get fingerprints from rough surfaces, human skin & blood .

    Hope that helps and check out Forensic Magazine it is fascinating.

  6. Correction: fingerprints CAN be lifted from wood, especially if the surface is smooth and/or varnished, as well as from rock, again if the surface is smooth enough. Prints can also be lifted from paper, as well as many other surfaces.

    The latent fingerprints lifted are actually outlines of oil deposits left from the person's hands.

    CSI is very accurate, even if they have more equipment than most crime labs.

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