
Question about fish?

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ok i want to get a fish but don't have too much money to spend on the water tank and stuff so i was thinking i might just get a fishbowl

would that work? how often would i have to clean it?




  1. A bowl is not a suitable home for any fish.  The water gets fouled very quickly and it is very stressful for fish to have water changed constantly.  Fishkeeping is not a cheap hobby so until you have the resources to do it properly it's better to just wait.


  2. Yes it would work.

    If not overfed or overcrowded, a properly stocked fish bowl will need to be cleaned once to twice a week.

  3. I bought a betta tank (so there's no filter or anything like that I just used warm bottled water in it) and 3 little neon fish and the food for my son at walmart and it cost me 20 bucks for all of it. They lasted for a pretty long time and I had to clean the little tank about once a week!

  4. the only fish that can live in a bowl (and is also the cheapest to set up) is a betta fish. but you can only have one male betta fish per bowl otherwise they will kill eachother. you will also need water conditioner (or bottled water), betta food, rocks for the bottom (or marbles) and a plant. i would recommend doing a water change at least weekly, more often depending on the size of bowl you have them in. and you feed them once every other day.

  5. the only fish you can have in a bowl is a betta

    i have had four and i love them they are really beautiful and come in amazing colors

    all you need is a fish bowl, water without chlorine (or water conditioner), betta food, and of course the betta

    and you can get pebbles, glass beads or really anything that is clean or a fake plant, maybe some other decorations but you do not need any of these

    you will have to clean the bowl about every once a week

    because money is a concern than use an old vase instead a fishbowl

    than get a betta at the store about 3 to 2 dollars if it is a crowntail

    food is about 5

    also males are more fancy and colorful than females

  6. A betta is the fish for you.  While there are a few coldwater types that can live happily in an unfilterd unheated bowl, a betta would work best for you.

    You would need to clean once per week or more when needed.

  7. I really do not advise that you get a fishbowl instead why don't you buy a 2.5 gallon tank with a hang on back filter (usually come together in starter pack). They are about $30. Then get a heater usually around $16 dollars (walmart, at least my walmart,has a heater for $4 right now rated for a 2-5 gallon aquarium). And then keep either a betta or a school (5-6) of neons in it. No fish should really liveiin anything smaller than a 2.5 gallon tank and no fish can live (and be healthy) with no heater or filter besides goldfish that need to be kept in at least a 20 gallon tank.

    Once you buy  everything it will probably be around $60 max. If you can't afford this I suggest waiting to get a fish until you can because this is a bare minimum of what even simple fish to keep need to survive and be healthy.
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