
Question about free Microsoft Points?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, so there's this website called Rewards1, or something like that. Are sites like this, that give you free things, like Microsoft Points, illegal? I really want some free Microsoft Points for some Rock Band DLC, but not illegally. So, if someone has a legitimate answer to my question, that'd be great!




  1. no its not illegally but you will be paying more because you have join this phone group or thing like a subscription and you would just ending up paying more so don't do it but if you done it all ready then no it is not illgally  


    yes it's legit, think about it, the major companies put their offers on rewards1 and the major companies pay rewards1 for advertising it, so rewards 1 doesnt pay for it.  If you do join, could you please use my link above so i get the reference, i've had so much trouble trying to get people to join using it.  Thanks. Oh and to the guy below me, about half of the offers are for phone subscriptions, the other half are free.  If you are from USA then you're in luck, because they have the most free ones.

  3. Hi, if you want free stuff ( YES ITS LEGAL) i would use Rewards1 and PriceRebel as they are very good and I have so far revieved £40 worth of Amazon gift cards. In your case they will email you a code for 1600 Microsft Points.

    The link for Rewards1:

    The link for PriceRebel:

    If you want to learn how these sites work I recommend watching my video on how Rewards1 works , this video works for PriceRebel as well as they both qork the same. Please use my links to sign up as if you do I will help you if you have any problems ;-)

  4. lol noo dude

    its a scam soon as you tell them your accont info gameover you lost that accont  to some scammers

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