
Question about garter snakes?

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If a garter snake is not fed for 9-10 days will it die? I heard it's not easy to starve a snake but idk 9-10 days seems a bit much?




  1. No, most snakes are capable of surviving months on end with no food, all depends on how quick their metabolism is.

  2. above answer is wrong!

    garter snakes digest food much quicker than other snakes. whilst rat snakes for example eat once a week it is recommended to feed garters evert 3-5 days. leaving it for 10 days could be risky, however if they are well fed up before they 10 days they should be fine if fd as soon as you come back.

    most snakes would be fine with the wait so just be carefu with the garters

  3. Not a problem. These snakes are incredibly hardy and can go for months without eating as long as they have fresh water. I raise eastern garters and they go off their food for 3-4 months during the winter as well as several weeks at a time for no apparent reason the rest of the year. If your snake is not dormant for the winter, just offer food periodically till it decides to eat again.

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