
Question about gas prices?

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do you think that this could be a chain reaction/snowball effect and literally end the world? I do. Thoughts??




  1. Personally, I think we are caught between idiot do-gooder politicians who have screwed the pooch on our economy, and the nut job ecowhacks who have screwed our ability to get resources domestically for 40 years.

    My boiling point is this NEEDS TO CHANGE NOW.

    We need to drill off the shore of florida, california, and in Alaska, we need to build refineries so they will be online we need to make it a national security priority. We need to look at the the potential of using Coal to Liquid technologies, to produce feedstock for the transportation system.

    Coal and Shale Oil alone could cleanly fuel our infrastructure for several centuries, but as the result of ecowhack feel good BF*cking liberals our politicians have restricted exploration.

    THIS NEEDS TO CHANGE. I am sick and tired of politicians creating do-gooder c**p that is leading to economic suicide.

    All the green feel good c**p (ie Biofuels ) is taking food from the mouths of hungry people around the globe, We need to cease corn ethanol production, before we cause a global starvation crisis. (it's already happening).

    yes, we can look at "alternatives" but not to cut off our nose to spite our face, we need to demand a reasoned and reasonable approach and transition to "alternatives" as I see it no one is proposing a common sense solution.

  2. No, but could force us to change our lifestyles, in some ways severely. In Europe it has been $6+ a gallon forever. they drive more motorcycles & smaller versions of the same cars.

    but maybe there are chain reactions I'm not thinking about.

    Eventually, we will have to find other sources of energy. Oil takes millions of years to form.

    Jets are nowhere near running on anything but gas, and I think we should keep air travel around forever, which gas will not

  3. Wow, you're really a doom and gloomer.  High oil prices have been around for 40 years, and everyone claimed we'd be out of oil by the year 2000 back in 1975. Well they are wrong.  Oil is a renewable resource, as it is being constantly renewed every day.  Have we tapped all of the oil sources?? NOT EVEN CLOSE.  In 1975 an offshore drilling rig could drill in 1000 feet of water, now we have rigs that can drill in 15,000 feet or deeper.  We have oil reserves that haven't even been explored, some because of the cost, some because left wing hypocrits have taken over our  political process and taken away the common sense that drove this country to greatness.

    Do we need to explore other types of energy? Yes, but let's look at the folks who claim the auto industry is in cahoots with oil companies. What should we pursue for automobiles? Electric cars?  Sure sounds great, but then we have to have more coal fired power plants to provide the extra electricity.  So we have to mine and burn more coal, which is BAD according to liberals.  So then we could use Nuclear power from power plants..but WAIT Nuclear energy is BAD according to liberals.  

    The solution is to drill more oil, produce and refine more oil domestically, and put the commodities brokers feet to the fire regarding price setting.   More oil gives us time to continue to develope the bio fuels, and grain alcohol.    Grain can provide some relief but it's not the total answer.  Some people are concerned about food product being used for fuel, well the "stillage" from grain used to make ethyenol, is still a viable feed product for animals as well as humans, so what's the problem there?    

    Your premise that the world will end because of high gas prices is a bit naive, but it seems a lot of liberals want the human race to become extinct (except for them), so the earth can go back to being "natural".  These liberal eggheads more than likely drive SUV's and use more energy than the average normal person (See Algore's homes for his energy use)

  4. the world already ended- now we are all in h**l

  5. For awhile, I just assumed prices would go back down evenutally. I don't know what I was thinking. We're RUNNING OUT. The price is not going to go back down, it's going to keep getting higher and higher. Why? becasue we're RUNNING OUT.  I don't know if this has occurred to anyone else yet, but we do need to worry about it. I hope someone is trying to find another way...

    It will certainly end our way of life as we know it. The day will come when there is no more gas for our cars and for heating our houses... Will we have massive train routes? I predict huge cities all over due to having to walk everywhere and train lines connecting the outsiders. And sooner than we think.

  6. end of the world? phh. Someones pessimistic

    If the world ends b/c of a chain rxn to gas prices, then weve had it wrong all along!

  7. The main center of attention when the world starts to end is in the middle east. This is definately a sign of things to come. And for there to be severe problems it would have to come all at once which is what is happening. That gives little time for automakers, air travel, transport, farm equipment to adjust.

    The bible has always said that Jeresalum will be the center of attention in the last days!

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