
Question about genetics and ancestry..long complicated question?

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so I'm curious for peoples opinions on this:

My make up is Irish, french-canadian, scotch, and abenaki, which is fine and all...but for some odd reason I am a very hairy guy. When I asked a teacher about it he said that means my ancestors were from somewhere where from a cold climate where excessive body hair was needed to survive- which confused me being predominantly irish...

where do you think this gene came from? something nordic or what? thanks for the time with the long winded question.




  1. For thousands of years, the human race has been very mixed. In fact, before the advent of the city/state and all that, tribes would "trade" females or males with the other tribes to keep balanced. This also meant that they all advanced at more or less the same rate.

    After the advent of the city/state, this pattern continued. Meaning that no matter where in the world you are from, you have ancestors in common with everyone else, meaning don't pay too much attention to "genes" and "characteristics".

    I would recommend a DNA test, both the yDNA (male-male) and mtDNA (female-female). I used, one of the oldest and best, which also does the DNA testing for the National Geographics Genotype Program, which traces human migration patterns.

  2. Nordic tribes raided the British Isles and Ireland constantly.  Most of those tall, redheaded Scotsmen are actually decendents of Scandinavian raiding parties.  and Scotland gets cold in the winter. (and in the past it was much colder than it is now.)

    also there was a lot of migrating back and forth between Ireland and Scotland.  So there is no such thing as being purely Irish or purely Scottish or purely British or purely  anything.

  3. You should get your DNA checked.

  4. Genetics and genealogy are not really the same thing.  Genetics would come under biology. Genealogy is the tracing of ancestry with records and documentation.

    However, I read once where Celts and Latins have a tendency to be more hirsuite than others.  I know my father was Irish and his chest hair went down to his abdomen and even had hair on his back and curly hair on his arms,  The article stated Nordic people had little body hair and American Indians and Orientals had almost no body hair.

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