
Question about getting pregnant?

by  |  earlier

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Hi, my husband and i have been trying to get pregnant now for almost 2 years. Last year when I have my exam i asked the doc about it, and he said give it about 6 months... i gave alot longer than that. Should we keep trying, or should i call the doc. back to have another check up and get my hubby checked?? I am kind of worried about him though, his sister can not have babies, and his brother and his wife had a baby boy, but he is a dwarf. I am not worried about how the baby will turn out, we will love it no matter what, but i am just worried that he cant make babies.. But i dont want to say anything to him because i so do not want to hurt his self esteem!!! What shall i do?




  1. Definitely get the two of you checked at this point. Anyone who has tried for that long probably will not conceive on their own without benefit of a doctors advice and help.

    Sit down with your husband and tell him you are concerned since you both have been trying for nearly 2 years and at this point... some kind of medical intervention might be needed, even if it is as simple as some added supplements. Be sure he understands that it could be an issue with either one of you.... or it could be nothing at all.

    Many people have fertility issues, no matter how healthy they are. It is nothing to be ashamed about at all. Reassure him that you only want to be sure things are working properly for BOTH of you!

    Best wishes and lots of baby dust to you...

  2. hon i really hope everythings fine with your husband and everything will work out great.lots and lots of baby dust to you

  3. Dr's suggest getting checked out if it takes longer than a year to conceive so I think you and your husband should have yourselves checked to make sure there is no underlying problem. It could be something so easy to fix and save yourselves alot of heartache.

  4. dont worry i have one year that i havent taken care of my self and i still havent came out pregnant, they have told me that some people may even take up to 5 years to be able to get pregnant.

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