
Question about giving, protecting, and taking care of?

by Guest66717  |  earlier

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This quote irked me.

I love my boyfriend very much and I let him know it through actions and words. I have comforted him through stress, if not in person then over the phone, but in person whenever I can. I visit and take care of him when he's sick.

I would do so much more for him but I also must consider his pride. It would embarrass him if I were to just give him things all the time.

If a woman ever seems to show her love less than a man it is only because loving someone also includes considering their feelings. I don't think men are always as emotionally prepared to accept being taken care of, protected and given things because they've been told all their lives not to.

Are women and men being held back by society?

In most relationships the man is the giver, romancer, caretaker and protector. You think if society didn't tell men it would be this way would women be the caretakers, givers, romancers and protectors?

Do any women here protect , give, romance, and take care of their man MORE (or equal) than he does?

Do any of you women wish you could give more?

Would a good woman make her man feel like he is worthy of everything?

Are there relationships where the woman does more with regards to caretaking, protecting, giving and romancing?




  1. I guess we'll just have to get old to see.

  2. As usual, you make no sense at all. Where do you get off by implying that men actually are givers (?), romancers ( well, a very small percentage of you might be ), caretakers (?)?  A very small and exceedingly honorable group of you actually are raising their children and taking care of their aging parents, but majority has a very hard time taking care of themselves. Most of you have no idea what sharing of ones self is? You have a hard time adjusting your life to accommodate a family, which requires sacrifices we make every moment of every day. We not only cook, clean, serve and do your laundry, we make your doctors appointments and make sure you don't miss them. We have your children, raise them and take care of everyone's peace of mind. We manage to make a decent living, so our children one day could have a good education and successful lives of their own. We arrange annual celebrations, outings and vacations to make your life easier and happier. And after all that all you can do is ask: "Are there relationships where the woman does more with regards to care-taking, protecting, giving and romancing?"

  3. I'm sorry I irked you. Not my intention.

    I guess I felt a little irked by your assumption that women are not able to love at the same level as a man. I stand by what I said before. I love my boyfriend and do all I can for him.

    If I may break down our dynamic into your listed components:

    Protect: I feel very protective towards him. It only takes a story of him being bullied back in high school to make my blood boil. But as to that we both have fairly stable lives right now and and there's nothing really to protect each other from. I don't know how this one would balance out.

    Giving: Here he outweighs me considerably, especially on special occasions. But on a regular basis he insists on buying dinner etc. The giving is tricky because it involves money. And for whatever reason (I can only guess upbringing) he's just not comfortable with me spending money on him. Believe me, I'm working on it. But in the meantime, I respect his feelings about it.

    Romance: In terms of saying sweet things to each other, I'd say we break even... but who's counting?

    Care-giving:  I most certainly take care of him more than he does me. As far as he's concerned, I'm always ready to provide a shoulder to cry on and/or make a house call. But he respects the fact that when it comes to my own stress/illness, I'm kind of a loner. I prefer to work these things through myself.

    I hope that makes things clearer.

  4. Yes, it's true.  Men and women are different - in what they give and in what they would like to receive.  Our generation has lost sight of this to a great degree due to people raised in single-parent homes.  Divorce does have a negative impact on what a child SHOULD be exposed to growing up.  We cannot all rely upon MTV to learn what proper roles are for men and women.....

    God designed us differently.  But He also gave us instructions on how to deal with the oposite s*x.  "Husbands, love your wives."  "Wives, respect your husbands."  More people need to try following the instructions - it really does work.

  5. A man is built for specific reasons. But if he's weak in those areas he has no choose but to submit to you.  

  6. It's astonishing to me how women seem to *know* so thoroughly what men have been 'told all their lives'.

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