
Question about government spending

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If the government put a cap on spending for Health, Education, Roads, Rail, Further education and Pensions and constantly bleat on about saving money,being "cost effective" and patonising us with meaningless and mind numbing statistics why is there never a cap on the amount of money spent on war?




  1. The next time our Government efficiently plans spending out for a war, instead of the perverbial "guns blazing" of past...will be the first time.  They don't cap it because they are afraid they will run out of funds when they need it most.  You would think they would plan it more...but, that would take critical thinking in Washington.  Good luck with that...

  2. There is no cap on a war because if you limit the funding and ability of your army, then the war is lost anyways, so all you have is a loss and a lot of money wasted.

    Besides, do you honestly think someone in the house or the senate is going to stand up and propose that we cut spending to our troops over seas, because they feel the money needs to go to roads?  That person would never be in office again...

  3. Oh! this government are such a shambles, nothing they do surprises me!

  4. I think the War budget is tied and directly proportional to the amount of expenses they can claim each year and you just know those are going to go up  

  5. It makes me wonder how many of our MP's are directors of the various munitions companies supplying all the varied wars presently going on..

  6. The greater profit is in war .  

  7. I quite agree we seem to find money for making war on countries such as Iraq where it was none of our business anyway and our young troops are being killed for no reason, Thanks to Blair Bush and now Brown.  They also seem to find money to give themselves a pay increase and up their expense allowances.  While the NHS is struggling nurses pay is still poor and also conditions. The pensions in this country are way below the rest of Europe. Labour have really made a mess of the economy altogether.  

  8. Because war is different. Roads, schools, hospitals etc. always need around the same amount of money, but with a war you never know how much money you are going to have to spend. A war could be with one well - equipped country, and take years, or be against a weak enemy, and be over in weeks. Depending on the number of troops and weapons sent in, how many are lost, and how much time we spend there, the cost of a war can vary dramatically.

  9. Because in war you really cant set a budget because the situation always changes. And by the way what a stupid question. Lets say we did put a budget on a war, what happens when the budget is reached. Oh well no more amunition, missles food medical supllies, transportaion etc. So our ships, tanks and soldiers couldnt return home because we had no more money in our budget. Do you really know how idiotic your question sounds. Are you 13 or what!!!!

  10. Very good point.

  11. We're still paying for the wars of centuries past.

    And has you say, it still seems like they're hungry for more.

    I see we've got some American war mongers in here, pushing their politics on our forum again.

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