
Question about grooming at Petco???

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Hi everybody.. i have a question about my maltese 3 year old poodle.

Can i take my dog to Petco to just get a haircut alone..not a bath?

If so what's the price i only have money for the hair cut not the bath..i bathe him myself..but he is really tangeled with how much does it cost...and can i just get the cut.!?

Thanks.. i already visited the website and didnt tell me anything!




  1. Well if he is really matted, it will probably cost you a little more then a normal cut.  Their prices vary and go by the size and weight of the dog so you would have to call to get an estimate from them.  

  2. Most places that you will take your dog includes the bath. Now you may want to pay the price cause if you bathe your dog before getting groom you're just making the mats tighter and thicker. They may shave off your dog depending how bad it is. I strongly recommend a dematter brush. If they shave your dog it probably will be first then the bathe.


    Don't believe people that say not to trust a company like petco and petsmart. The complaints you normally hear are from smaller businesses. I know petsmart follows strict policy and procedures. They know what dogs need to be power dried or crate blow dried. You have a maltese poodle THEY CANT BE Crate Dried cause their air passage way can collapse. For sure i know petsmart uses room temperature crate drying and power drying unlike smaller companies that use heat driers hope this helps!

  3. I'm a groomer, and by the sounds of it, Petco (or any establishment) will end up shaving your dog if he's tangled and you don't want a bath.

    To brush the dog out and keep it long haired will cost you a good deal of money. For the time and effort it takes the groomer to complete such an arduous task.

    When people bath their dogs at home and don't brush them out, the dogs hair gets matted and even pelted (knotting very close to the skin). This is very uncomfortable for him and if you don't have the money to get a proper grooming then I think what's best for the dog is for him to be shaved and then you can bath him at home and not worry about knotting.

    The cut itself would probably run you $30-40 depending on where you live and the avg. costs of living. Around where I am in NY I'd say $40. Pretty much when you get a bath and cut, you're paying for the cut. The bath might be 5 or 10 extra...but the costly part is the cut.

  4. You'll probably have to call them in the morning to find out the exact details and prices. Different stores may have different prices/procedures.

    As for his tangles, try buying a special brush for dogs for after you bathe him.

  5. For both PetSmart and Petco, the answer is no. All haircuts come with a bath there.  You may be able to get a trim, but the price probably won't differ by much, if any.

    Petco has a groom package that is $42. This includes a bath, full brush/comb out, ears cleaned, nails trimmed, and a sanitary and face trim, along with a anal gland check and perfume that you select from along with bows.

    PetSmart has a comparable package for around $35-$40

  6. yup i take my shih tzu there she gets haircuts, and its around 30 dollars

  7. I would take the dog to a private groomer. They do a better job and are more reasonable price wise. Petco and places like them are all out for the money and don't really care about your pet. I have done grooming for a living in the past and found this to be true.  

  8. Usually when you get your dog groomed the bath is included with the price.  Normally groomers don't like working on a dirty dog because the clip will come out choppy and not very neat.  Your best bet would be to contact a privately owned grooming shop because their prices are MUCH less and you could probably afford getting the bath.  Your canine friend would probably be treated better at one of these places as well....  And also if you bathed your dog at home... you may be able to to talk to the groomers at a private shop and they're more understanding when it comes to finances.

  9. You can call Petco and ask.  The bath makes the hair easier to work with and cut when it is wet.  

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