
Question about having a baby living in an apartment?

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Here's my situation...

My husband and I had been talking about having kids in the near future. The thing is, he graduated college a year and a half ago with $100,000 in school loan debt... yeah. It's a lot. Our apartment that we live in now is a 2 bdr, one (HUGE) bathroom and it's pretty nice. The only houses we can afford in our area are dumps near downtown. They're all really old, and the entire area is completely pegged on the s*x offender list. The area we live in now is nicer and kind of off the beaten path-- I love it. Anyway, we've decided to hold off on kids for a while (at least for a few more months). He's looking at different job opportunities out of state, all of which pay a lot more than he makes now. I can't use birth control b/c it caused me to have heart problems in the past. We usually count the days and use condoms. I know that's far from 100% effective, but since we're married and want kids anyway, if I get pregnant, it's no big deal.

My main question is, how rough is it to have a baby in an apartment? Will the neighbors complain? Can we be evicted for excessive noise when the baby cries? I mean, it's not like we're having parties at 2am. It's a baby. I don't ever want to feel bad b/c my baby is crying-- it's what they do. And I want to focus more on taking care of his/her needs, rather than what the neighbors think or might say. What do you think about people having babies in apartments?




  1. If it's a decent apartment your neighbors won't even hear the baby.  It's no big deal. We've only lived in apartments since we've been married, expecting our second in October.  Our first had really bad colic and screamed from 10pm-2am every night until she was two months old.  No one said a thing.

    They can't evict you because of some baby noise.

  2. Actually, I gave almost gave birth to my son in my 2 bedroom apartment. And we did have a colicky baby. But a few times I've had neighbors knock on the door and actually offer to take the baby for a walk so we could have a break, we told them no but they came back with a couple chocolate bars for us from the store.  Its not all that bad, babies do cry and most down to earth people understand the fustrations and would help out in any way possible. You have to do what you have to do, be safe and live where your happy.

  3. I think it is perfectly fine to have a baby while living in an apartment. Many people do it. You can't worry about other people. I am sure most of your neighbors will be very understanding. If it still bothers you, talk to them before you have the baby and let them know your concerns.  

  4. There's nothing wrong with having a baby while living in an apartment, I live in an apartment/flat with my boyfriend and 4week old son, getting up and down the stairs with a little one is a bit of a chore that's about it (luckily there's only 3 floors where we live am on the top floor lol)

    They cant evict you for your baby crying, they cant expect people not to have children that's just part of life.

  5. My brother and SIL had a baby girl in May and live in an apartment and they haven't had any problems. I think most people will be sympathetic to your situation, it's a newborn after all. Plus you'll probably be keeping him/her in your room for the first few months anyway, so their crying won't get TOO loud because you'll hear it right away.

  6. We have a 2 year old and live in an apartment. The bedroom windows face the hall so that causes a problem. Just stay on the neighbors good side and they usually don't say anything. People usually don't raise a fuss over a baby crying anyways. But when they are toddlers it posses a timeout issues. We he throws a fit we have to stop the crying at once. So he is kind of spoiled in that way. Our only problem is that we don't have a yard. We do have a park across the street but nothing of our own. By next year I hope to be in a house so that my son can run around outside on his own.  

  7. I lived in an apartment complex with my son. I actually went home the day after he was born and we lived in 2 differnet apartments until he was 6 months old. The neighbors never complained as there were a lot of kids in the complex. Babies crying generally do not cause neighbor complaints. In fact most of my neighbors were really nice about the baby. You can't be evicted for noise with a newborn. Only for parties, loud shouting and fighting, etc. You will be fine should you get pregnant. :-) Hope all works out for you guys!

  8. Having a baby in an apartment is fine. My sister, her husband and their year and a half old daughter did just fine.  I wouldn't worry too much about excessive crying. Most babies that are well cared for do not cry incessantly every day. Most neighbors enjoy having a cute little one around. You have enough space and are able to afford the place where you are. Please do not even consider moving into a less safe house if you two have a child. Who knows? You might already have a house by the time you do have a child. In any event, it seems like you are a thoughtful, responsible person. Few people think about the very real possibility of an unplanned pregnancy ahead of time.  

  9. i hear ya. i have a 2 year old and most places that i have lived in apartments buildings don't mind no they can't  evicted you for a baby crying. don't feel bad most places here in Augusta Maine are new and they have the walls and floors vary well sound proof. just don't worry about your neighbors just take care of the baby when you guys have one. don't run your life around what other people think just take care of your family.. i hope this helps.  

  10. LOL...LOTS of people have babies in an apartment.  I would rather be in a nice apartment with a baby than an unsafe dump because it's a house.  Babies cry..that's what they do.  

  11. You will be just fine. Anyone in their right mind is not going to complain about a baby, Helllllo thats what our species depends on... reproduction LOL.

    I had a baby in an apt untill she was about 2, and It was just fine, in fact the neighbors loved her and we friendly.

    Only you know what is best for you, and if your ready to open your home and heart to a baby than your the only one who has a say in how and when and where ya know?

    You'll never regret having a baby in 5 years, but you may regret not having one.

  12. Hi, The main thing you write about is having a baby in an apartment, yet what you also wrote about should be considered first before having a kid in an apartment.  That is, what happens if your Husband gets an offer for a better job in another state and you have to move?  Are you prepared to help with the moving while you may be 3, 5, 7 months along in a pregnancy?  Personally, I would wait it out until you find out whether or not a new and better job in on the horizon, and Babies are not a cheap commodity to make your family complete either, The cost associated with having a child anyway, anywhere is extremely high and with the debt you already have, even if he has insurance, the cost of raising a child is astronomical with the price of everything these days.  

              Personally, I would really consider all the options associated with this decision you plan to make because you don't want to regret having a child down the road when it gets a lot rougher as the child gets older and you end up regretting the decision you made.  This can translate to having issues with your raising of the child and how you relate to the child and your Husband.  Best of Luck in your decision.

  13. I can answer this question from both sides of the fence.  I live in an apartment with a baby and a child, and I have neighbors in the same building with a baby and older children.

    You'll be fine.  You might lose your security deposit, but otherwise, it's no big deal to live in an apartment with a little one.  You can't get evicted because of a noisy baby.

    I was worried about the same things as you.  Thank God, we didn't have to deal with colic, and I don't let my baby cry, so noise wasn't really an issue.  My apartment is small and cramped, but I really like the area I live in.  After weighing our options, I decided that it would be worth it to live here for the first few years of babies' life, while we prepare for long-term home owning and career goals.  It was too overwhelming to think of moving with a new baby.  We are keeping an eye out for a bigger place, but for now, it is worth the sacrifice to stay put in our teeny apartment.

    As for neighbors, who cares if they get irritated?  If we all waited for our neighbors' approval, and ideal living and career situations, to have kids, the human race would vanish because we'd never have them.  

    I'll admit, I do get irritated with my neighbor's parenting.  Not her baby, but her parenting.  The baby is older, maybe a year or more, and she lets that poor kid SCREAM.  Every time she pulls up in the driveway, and gets her little ones out of the car, a piece of baby trash drifts into our yard- a wrapper, part of a sippy cup, you name it.  Finally, we share a garbage alley, and she puts her diapers out in plastic bags, instead of in a trash can.  Every week, an animal rips open the trash can and strews dirty diapers all over the alley.  

    But, as long as you don't do ignorant sh*t like that, you shouldn't run into problems with the neighbors.  Just use a little common sense and common courtesy.  Best wishes; I'm sure it will all work out fine.

  14. I've been living in an apartment since I was pregnant (until I move next week, lol).  Anyways, I've never had any problems.  Most of my neighbors were really great when my son was first born.  I took him around when he was born and introduced him to my neighbors and they were all really nice and understanding.  Sooooo, I think it depends on the relationship you have with your neighbors.

  15. Lot's of people have babies while living in apartments.  I've never heard of anyone being evicted because the baby made too much noise.  There is nothing wrong with living in an apartment.  Especially if the apartments in your area are nicer than the homes that you could buy.  If you want to have a baby, go for it.  Don't worry about the baby crying.  

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