When I was younger, I used to get cold sores (probably once a year since I was 10ish). I stopped getting them once I hit 13 and haven't had one since. Well, a week ago, I gave my boyfriend oral s*x *unprotected*. Four days ago, I gave him a hand job and let him come in my mouth (so his p***s touched my mouth obviously). 2 days after I gave him a hand job, I got a tingly feeling in the corner of my lip and knew that I was getting a cold sore. It never fully broke out, but I got the tingly feeling for a day. Well, today, my boyfriend tells me that he has a cold sore on the corner of his lip. He has never had a cold sore before, so I know it has to be from me, especially since I still kissed him when I felt the tingly-ness going on. (Stupid I know). Is there a high chance that he got genital herpes when I gave him a bj a week before I had the tingles? What about when his p***s was in my mouth for seconds 2 days before the tingles? I am scared to death! I love him with all of my heart and feel ashamed for giving him HSV I already, and would feel even worse if he got HSV 1 in his genitals because of me. I've spent all of today bawling my eyes out, thinking and fearing the worse. If someone comes in contact with herpes, do they automatically get it? Or is there like a percentage that get it? Also, if it took him only 2 days to develop a cold sore, if he had genital herpes, wouldnt it show up soon? I know that some people with genital herpes never show symptoms, but still. Oh, and I heard that if you are diagnosed with HSV I on your mouth, then there is a slim chance that you can get HSV I on your genitals. Is this true? Is there a test that we can take to see what kind of herpes we have? I don't want to take a blood test because mine will come up positive b/c of my oral herpes, but wont tell me if I have it in the genitals. Is there a test that specifically tests to see if herpes is in the genitals? I'm sorry for all of the questions, but I am a wreck! I am going to the gyn on Thursday (to get every STD test but HERPES!! Go figure), so I will ask him too. But, I just want to hear some of your answers. Thanks! :)
That was my message last night.
But today, I woke up and have a big red patch on the roof of my mouth. It doesn't really hurt, it just feels sore. I have never had anything like this before. I am getting sick (or getting over it pretty much), which is probably why I got a cold sore to begin with. I had a sore throat, runny and congested nose, and I have post nasal drip (gross I know) lol Could the red patch be due to the post nasal drip? I'm getting better, and my throat doesn't hurt as bad anymore, but I still have the post nasal drip. And now I feel like I'm stressing out! AHHHH Good thing I see my doctor tomorrow. I'm gonna have him look at the patch in my mouth.
My boyfriends cold sore is gone today too.