
Question about homeopathic medicine??

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my boyfriend and i dont like taking medicine like motrin or tylenol cold or nyquil, but we want some relief when we're sick.

wegmans has an aisle of homeopathic medicines, and other things such as cough syrup that doesnt have robitussin ingredients.

what is in homeopathicc medicine?

one ingredient we came across is Allium Cepa 30c HPUS.

that was in nelsons allergy and hay fever.

are there any strange side efffects to such medicines?

we arent against them, we just want more information

we would like responses from people who are knowledgeable about such medicines and also people who use and dont use them

thank u!!!




  1. David G. above is correct about the scientific basis for homeopathic remedies. There is none.

    However, some people report relief when using them. This could be a placebo effect (people who believe they have been cured feel better, expecially when part of the cause of the symptom is psychological). It could also be because there is something to these remedies even if current science hasn't found it. I know several world class scientists who are working on the question of 'water memory'. The fact that they are interested shows that scientific minds think there may be something worth exploring. The fact that they are top scientists doesn't, however, mean that there really IS anything to it.

    According to professional homeopaths, you have to have a complete historical workup to determine what your 'remedy' is. If you are really interested, you may want to go to a homeopathic doctor.

    Another, much more scientifically valid, way to go is to consult with a naturopathic doctor as your primary care physician. make sure this doctor has graduated from an accredited medical school and is licensed to practice.  They have alternative, all natural anelgesics that do not have the side effects of aspiran and tylonol.

    You can also study up on natural remedies on your own, on the web. Unlike homeopathy, you can get very valid information, with complete chemical explanations of active ingredients and mode of operation. And you don't need a specialist workup to find your 'remedy' -- the effectiveness of natural medicines has nothing to do with YOU.

  2. homeopathic medications are extremely diluted for the most part. in true homeopathy, the more diluted it is the "stronger: it is (personally i think its all bullshit). 30c = 100^30, which is like 1 part per 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000... theyre pretty much just placebos. however some like Zicam claim to be homeopathic but its only 2x, which translates to 1 part per 100 (a 1% solution which is kinda strong, its been associated with loss of sense of smell)

  3. A spoonful of honey every day is the best to keep the body guarded against infection.  UMF® Manuka honey works against a wide range of bacteria including the causes of stomach ulcers, sore throats and major wound infections. This honey has also proven to be effective in helping the natural healing of skin ulcers, burns, boils, cracked skin and the “superbug” MRSA.  Hope this helps.

  4. go to Google or Yahoo seach and search homeopatic medicine....some people believe in them some don't.....I have used Hyland sinus tablets in the past and have found relief from them.....There are also natural alternatives for medications that are not homeopathic......there are many good books out there that can be of reference for you....I like Dr Weil, he has a website also, and my favorite book for reference is Prescription for Nutritional Healing by Phyllis Bach.

  5. Allium cepa is red onion.  It particularly works well for conditions with red, puffy streaming eyes, clear mucous from nose and throat, weepiness, lots of moisture.  You could also look at Staphysagria and many other remedies for allergies.

    Two books I heartily recommend are Homeopathic Medicine at Home by Maesimund Panos and Jane Heimlich, and Everybodies' Guide to Homeopathic Medicine by Dana Ullman.  These both contain charts of remedies and symptoms and will be extremely helpful to you in learning to treat yourselves.  I own and consult with them both very often.  Regarding Robitussin:  the active ingredient is guaifenisen, which is natural in origin.  It's from the guaiac tree, and has been noted in medical literature since the 1500's.  You will find some natural cough syrups such as Herbal Expec by Naturade, actually uses this in it.  So the reasons to not use Robitussin would not include objection to the ingredient guaifenisen, but to the HFCS, artificial dyes and other synthetic chemicals then.

    You are just at the very beginning of your study of homeopathy, which is a WONDERFUL and exciting place to be.  Start with the books I've mentioned.  Realize also that some of the great benefits of homeopathy are as follows:  1)  It's inexpensive, and this is par excellence for students, parents and those without a lot of funds in this increasingly out of control (expense-wise world).  2)  Homeopathy is non-toxic.  If you've chosen the wrong remedy for yourself, it simply will not work.  3)  There are no side effects or possibility of drug interaction.  4)  Use of and study of homeopathy allows you to have control over your own health and not have to give up that right to a "medical professional" whose methods of "cure" consist of cutting, poisoning, repression of symptoms (and what I ask you happens in the body/mind/spirit continuum when we repress things????), radiation, and treatment with dangerous chemicals that themselves may cause disease.  I'm not saying there's not a place for Western medicine.  There's NOTHING better in an emergency/trauma, and it's saved my life twice now (pulmonary embolism caused by a genetic blood clotting disorder and DVT's threatening more of the same...) and the life of my baby daughter (who almost died from bacterial meningitis).

  6. lot of answers in affirmative and against homeopathic medicines.

    With my experience of over seven years in practice of homeopathic and alternative therapies, I can assure you that homeopathic medicines do cure wonderfully. I have treated hundreds of patients with homeopathic medicines.

    Of course all diseases do not come under the domain of homeopathy. Neither do all diseases come under the domain of any other pathy. All pathy's have their own specific cures and specialization areas.

    One care has to be taken while using homepathy i.e. medicine should be taken in the right potency and proper intervals. Some medicines in homeopathy do have side effect if not taken properly.

    To learn more about health treatment and cure, refer my blog at

  7. There is no active ingredient in homeopathic "treatments"

    Homeopathy is based on the unproven and magical idea that "water has a memory" and can therefore remember if an active ingredient has passed through it. The water then supposedly remembers the healing qualities from this active ingredient, but leaves behind all the qualities which cause side effects. (hey, I didn't make it up)

    Another thing to remember is that homeopathic remedies work on the unproven and scientifically improbable idea that "like cures like". Therefore homeopaths claim that instead of taking Dextromethorphan (Robitussin) to help cure  a cough, a patient should take something which CAUSES  a cough to cure it. Hence a cure for hayfever would be something which causes allergy-type symptoms. Allium cepa is an onion basically, and that's why it is used to "cure" hayfever. BECAUSE ONIONS MAKE YOUR EYES WATER. (yes, I am rolling mine)

    Therefore if you buy a homeopathic solution there will be none of the active ingredients you would expect in proper medicines.

    You should know that, unlike proper medicine, homeopathic treatments are not required to pass clinical trials and no homeopathic "remedy" has ever been shown to work for any condition. It is all based on anecdote.

    There is too much idiocy going on here to sum it up in one answer; the best place to read about it is the link below.

  8. I'm surprised that you ask about side effects in God's medicine.  Only about 1/20th of that of man made c**p.

      They do have a much higher cure rate as well.  The drug companys don't want to cure or they would be out of business.  Think about it.

      I haven't been to a pill pusher in 6yrs. and I intend to keep it that way.

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