
Question about homosexuality?

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I know that racism is discrimination against other races, and sexism is discrimination against the other s*x, but what is discrimination against homosexuality called?




  1. Homophobia.

  2. Homophobia?

  3. homophobia

  4. Heterosexism - attitudes, bias, and discrimination in favor of opposite-s*x sexuality and relationships. It can include the presumption that everyone is heterosexual or that opposite-s*x attractions and relationships are the norm and therefore superior.

  5. Folks, please note what red had to say.

    A phobia is an extreme or inordinate and usually unjustified or unfounded FEAR.

    Homophobia, by definition, is a FEAR of homosexual people.

    As for a word that describes discrimination against homosexuals along the lines of racism, sexism, etc.  I am not sure i have heard such a word.

    Even though we often use the term homophobe or homophobia to label and describe this, it's not a true, legitimate use of the word.  

    **EXTRA JUST FOR FUN**    

    "fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, and hate leads to the....."    can anyone complete this movie quote and name the character???

  6. Actually -- English is a living language because it can still change.

    You may PREFER that homophobia not be prejudice against g**s -- and the breakdown in Latin agrees with you -- but Latin is a dead language and English is alive.

    Merriam Webster Dictionary says:      ho·mo·pho·bia



    Function:     noun  Date:     1969: irrational fear of, aversion to, or discrimination against homosexuality or homosexuals

    From the "Free Dictionary":

    ho·mo·pho·bi·a  (hm-fb-)


    1. Fear of or contempt for lesbians and g*y men.

    2. Behavior based on such a feeling.


    ho·mo·pho·bi·a     /ˌhoʊməˈfoʊbiə/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[hoh-muh-foh-bee-uh] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation


    unreasoning fear of or antipathy toward homosexuals and homosexuality.

    [Origin: 1955–60]

    Note that all three major sources in one way or another show it as fear OR prejudice (I presume I do not have to also define antipathy and contempt or behavior based on such feelings to prove my point).  This modern usage of the word emerged (in the form you prefer it) in the mid 50s and in its modern form by no later than 1969.

    Homophobia is the correct answer to your question.  *shrug*



  7. orintationism? lol

  8. First of all, homophobia is fear of homosexuality not homosexuals (Big Misconception).

    Second, heterosexism is the discrimination against homosexuality.

  9. > I know that racism is discrimination against other races, and sexism is discrimination against the other s*x,

    this is wrong.

    actually, racism is descrimination with regards to race, the particular races involved don't matter, they could be the same.

    sexism is discrimination with respect to gender, again which doesn't matter, could be the same.

    similarly, discrimination with respect to sexual preference would cover discrimination againt homosexuals, but also other things as well.

    aside: funny that you quote a dictionary definition of homophobia, but didn't bother to look up the definitions of words in the original question :)

  10. My question is, why do you feel the need to flaunt what you do in your bedroom in my face?  I don't run around wearing pins and shouting about how I'm a heterosexual and people should treat me equally, so why do homosexuals have to do it?  I don't think they should be discriminated against - I think it's no one's business what people want to do in their s*x lives, but why does anyone even have to know?

  11. homophobia...childish stupid behaviour!

  12. Racism is hatred against another race of people.

    Sexism is hatred of the opposite s*x.

    Homophobia is hatred of g*y people.

    And its all discrimination.

  13. Homophobia, discrimination, hate stupid..

  14. We use homophobia because of the presumption that fear of homosexuality (including one's own) is the basis for the discrimination, as fear is in most cases of discrimination

  15. Homophobia.  You can read more on wikipedia.  Link is below.

  16. I don't believe there is one word, like the examples you have stated. It  is against the law to discriminate for reason of "sexual orientation" in the laws here in Canada. I am pretty sure if there was a single word they would have used it instead.

    EDIT: A contributor below has used the word heterosexism. I had not heard the term "heterosexism" until today. The definition of the word would seem to be what you are looking for in this case. As supported by an number of articles on the web.

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