
Question about hooking my?

by Guest61715  |  earlier

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I have a cable line that hooks up to my VCR-an old VCR. The video out for composite cables consist of one yellow hole and one black hole.....Yowsers!! I'm used to one yellow, red, and white holes so i dont know what to do. I want to hook it up to my projector which has yellow red and white input composite video. Can I choose between plugging that red/white one into the black hole or.....whats the deal?!




  1. Think of the black plug as red and white combined. This makes it a mono audio signal.

    Not sure why you want the audio to go to the projector, It should go to the sound system. Anyhoo, If you us this cable and want signal out of both channels (left and right or 'red and white') you need a splitter.

    Hope this is clear

    In regard to your next question, head phone cabling and jacks  will probably be different.

    If you plug in the cable you have it won't break. It will just sound pretty c**p coming out one side of the sound sustem.

    Get a splitter from Radioshack (US) or d**k Smith(Aus) for a few bucks. problem solved. you need 1 female RCA to 2 male RCA.

  2. you have to get a rca y cable so you can have both channels of audio to work , the reason your vcr only has one black output is because it is mono and not stereo but with the y you can get the stereo effect

  3. The black connector is for mono-sound.  Just connect that to the white connector on your projector or receiver.  You'll only get mono sound though.  Splitting the mono audio cable to plug into the red and white ports of the projector won't really do anything extra for you.

    With VCR/DVD Burner combos around $100, you might want to consider an upgrade. Just be sure to get a model that has a built-in tuner.

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