
Question about how republicans relate to poor and middle class people?

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Doesn't it seem like republicans only relate to poor and middle class people through the following means: military service, or scaring them (like their guns will be taken away and abortion is killing babies).

I notice they never talk about the real issues such as education, taxes etc because they know if they did and the poor and middle class really knew where they stood they would not vote for them. If the poor and middle class knew that republican policies actually work AGAINST them they would definitely not vote for them.

I wish more poor and middle class people who vote republican would wake up to this reality. Of course I know some republicans DO know the issues ad vote for them anyway but so many people don't (like where I live in the country many people think all guns are going to be take away but they don't know anything about how republicans feel about public education).

I wish it weren't this way.




  1. I've always been a republican and always will be, but I'll sit this election out, since Obamas tax cut and increase plan makes more sense. I will save 1,000 bucks a year under his plan at my 50k a year income.  Looking at him, it makes me want to puke, I'll just have keep away from the tv I guess. I don't like how he's bribing people with communism, I don't like his overall plan, but I'm d**n sick of having my money stolen from my paycheck which they have no right to anyway per the Constitution of the United States.  I don't like either one of them, but even with more government programs, maybe Obama will have the sense to keep jobs home better than McCain, atleast that's his big promise. We'll see, I bet the idiot gets the seat.

  2. LMAO! what kind of question is this?!

    Republicans have NEVER cared about middle class workers! And they never will. I guess ill have to work extra hard for that 5 million dollars so that i can join the high class.

  3. Tax the rich, feed the poor, till there are no rich no more.

    Then who will feed the poor?

  4. this women mccain chose has no idea what the real world is like.she doesn't know what poverty,inner city,gang violence,or anything the real world out of Alaska is about

    i mean come one,this women was a mayor of a city of 7,000 give me a break.

  5. you'll sing a different tune when Barry is taking your money and giving it the slouchs of America  

  6. Republicans don't dwell on class systems like Democrats do.  There are laws in place which already distribute wealth from rich to poor, so that leaves Republicans to what we do best.  Create wealth.  

  7. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!   Finally...a voice of reason.  I feel like I have said this so many times and unfortunately it just goes in one ear and out the other.   But just to counter one thing...repubs actually spend every waking second talking about taxes - they continue to think of Democrats as "tax and spend liberals" when the irony is that the only president in the past 20 years who has been fiscally responsible enough to give us a freaking SURPLUS has been a democrat.  Go figure...

  8. they use buzz words

    like LOWER TAXES

    but what they don't say is it for the highest paid citizens and companies


    trying to pin Dem. as unpatriotic and anti-American

    it gets sad

  9. The democrats of now are definitely not the dems of yesteryear. They are just as unapproachable and rich as any other group.  

  10. I agree with you. I just asked a question and was basically told by the Republicans that I was just looking for a handout because I expected our government to do something about our crappy economy by encouraging businesses to create jobs in this country instead of shipping them overseas. I'm actually for welfare reform (to keep people from abusing it) so that's NOT the issue. I actually do believe in hard work and pulling oneself up and all that -- but you have to have a job to go to in order to do that! And I don't mean Walmart!

    It seems to me 85% of Republicans are just sheeple who repeat what they're told to repeat and who are blindly devoted without really knowing or understanding anything about who or what they're voting for.

    What freaks me out are people who are Republicans, blue collar workers, and make no more than $50K a year. They're just feeding the cash cow and they don't even know it.

  11. Most democrats view the world through rose colored glasses. It would be great if they could achieve everything they promise. But the simple fact is that democrats tend to be more socialistic and then promise tax breaks.... so in other words the democrats have a money tree blooming in the backyard and they will just simply pluck the cash they need to achieve all of their promises from this.

    Or they will just punish the successful ones (you call them rich) by taxing them more. Remember these are the people PROVIDING you a job. Yeah... lets tax them more and have them start firing people so they can keep their expenses lower and profits higher.

    Republicans believe nothing should come free. You want something... create an environment which people have to succeed in order to achieve it. Better then a bunch of lazy @sses looking to get a free handout from our government and then tax "the rich" or successful ones for being just that.... successful.

    This is a capitalistic country.. not a socialistic one. Go to Canada or France if you want that.

  12. Some of the poorest people I know are registered Republicans. Having a strong moral compass and voting that way is what makes them Republicans. Some of the richest people I know of (ie:Hollywood types) are the biggest Democrats. They are so out of touch with the rest of the country.

  13. Never fret, this time they are the minority, the majority is fully awake and ready to go.

  14. What middle class?

  15. So after deades of running state government in Michigan, California, NY and others, please do tells us how those Democratic statelegislations have assisted the poor and middle class.

    Do you think LA banning fastfood restaurants from low income communitites really is helping the people who live their?

    Can you tell me what thsoe government have done to helpt those people with education and healthcare.

    Democrats promise a lot and deliver nothing

    You want t know what republicans think about public education?

    If your child is not getting the quality of education that you think they deserve, then take them out of that school and put them in a school that does and we will pay for it.

    Obama has no track record of doing any of the things he promises

  16. Robin Hood and Prince John McCain

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