
Question about how to present a modeling teaching .....?

by  |  earlier

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regarding the story of "Wuthering Heights"?

Well, I have applied to join a school and I have no previous experience in teaching before, so they give us some training courses availing us perform well later in actual classes. I want to hints from experiences teachers regarding "Literature" teaching and if possible some who are aware of "Chapter 2" in Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte. Senior teachers will be testing me in 2 days ... so I want some guide lines to follow and essential tips, if any.

Many thanks.




  1. You should probably ask in the Teaching section and not the homeschooling section. You might also want to really check over your question before posting it elsewhere as there are some parts that really don't make sense, like "I want to hints".

  2. You might want to post this in a category other than "home schooling" to get more answers.

    Not to offend, but you need to use better grammar skills if you want to be hired as a literature teacher.

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