
Question about ignition coils for a car

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I have a Mazda MPV Van and the ignition coils keep going out. The mechanics only change the bad ones when I bring it in. Someone told me that when one goes bad you need to have all of them changed or you will keep having trouble. This has been true for the last six months the service engine light goes on and I take it in and sure enough another coil has went out. Any suggestions? Thanks




  1. HI

    Instead of just throwing parts at it they need to find out what is causing them to burn out. I say take it to a real shop it may cost you a little more but it may save you in the long run by not having to replace them every six months or so. (job security for the shop)

    If they keep burning out there may be to much voltage going to them or to much heat getting to them..

    Good luck


  2. find a new mechanic. coils do not just keep going bad. there must be an electrical fault causing them to go bad.  

  3. Hi KAKA,

    Girl, I really feel bad for you.   I had the same problem with my Lincoln and it drove me crazy...  The dad gum car spent more time in the shop than it did on the road.

    In my particular car, there were 8 coils.  We had not had the car for more than 6 weeks before one of the coils went out...  just left us on the side of the road.   Now we bought the car used,  but it seemed to be in perfect condition and besides the coils, I think it was.    It  was in warranty, but as you said... they would not replace but the coil that was bad and even though it was under warranty... it still cost us over $100 in rental fees for a couple of days...  Great warranty ...  right?

    After we got the car back... within 8 weeks.. another coil had gone out...   and again we were driving down the road at the end of the day on a Saturday...  no shop open!!!  :(   We were left on the side of the road with husband out of town and again once we did get it to the shop,  we had to rent a car.

    Take that story about 5 more times within 13 months?  

    This is what the shop supervisor told me and you might ask for yourself.....   The coils on that car were placed in a spot under the hood that gets abnormally HOT!! which is what causes to coils to go out in the first place.  He told me that it was a "DESIGN FLAW".. which would have been nice to know BEFORE we bought the car.   That told me that even when all of the coils were replaced, it would only be a matter of time before we would begin the "stranded on the side of the road process" all over again.

    Can you guess the end of the story?  WE GOT RID OF THE JUNKER....    But unfortunately... and way before all of the breakdowns, not before I put on $1000.00 worth of tires on it.

    Just one terrible frustrating experience.

    My suggestion to you is to find out...  from a couple of independent car repair places, if your car has a design flaw that will cause an ongoing and continuous problem.  If it does...  unburdon yourself by getting rid of it and to prevent the problem in the future ask questions you now know are important to ask.

    Good Luck

    Thanks for reading!!!!

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