Hello! I recently had a bad accident and knocked most of my two front teeth out. My dentist was able to perform two root canals and I was close to needing full extractions, but he was able to put two porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns over the remainder of my teeth as they healed nicely.
Here are my questions:
1. One of the crowns does not fit very well. He can take the crown off to re-fit it, but there is a risk that doing so will cause the underlying tooth to break more--and likely need an implant.
2. If I need an implant, will there be any cosmetic downside? Currently, with two roots canals and crowns, there is a slight discoloration from the 'dead' teeth under my gums (not from the crowns since they have a porcelain margin--i.e. not metal is visible). I imagine an implant would actually be a cosmetic improvement? Am I wrong?
3. If my teeth are healthy and the problem is merely cosmetic, would a viable alternative be placing a veneer on the neighboring tooth to 'even' out the ill-fitting crown (it simply juts out a bit far)?
Sorry for so many compound questions!