
Question about iphone 3G??

by  |  earlier

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Okay so Nobody has anwsered this is a way I could understand it so try to be simple lol. Okay so I am getting a Iphone 3G for christmas and how does the app store work? Can you just download stuff with out haveing some sort of account or something?? Because I am just going to be looking for the free apps... Please help thanks! And if I have to make an account how do I do it? And i am only wanting free stuff so do I have to pay to have this some sort of account??? Please anwser thanks!!




  1. ummm well when you get the iphone and activate it at the apple store, you log into your apple itunes account. so i think when you go to the ap store you just download straight off the internet. i'm pretty sure this is how it works but if you want a more confident answer try to stop in to an apple store. they seriously have the best customer service i have ever seen.

  2. I have an iPhone and only use the store to download the free apps. I already had an account previous to getting it. I'm pretty sure you need an account to download apps, and in order to create an account you have to enter a credit card number. Whether you spend any money on it is up to you, but I think it is required. You go to the iTunes store to create an account.

  3. There will be an application store on the phone itself so you can download them anywhere or also on iTunes. But you will need to have an iTunes account which requires a credit card. It will only charge the card if you purchase anything but if you get all free apps like I did then the account won't get charged.

  4. The account is set up with your itunes account.

    Although there are a ton of free apps, there are some which will require you to pay for them.

    You can download the apps off the Apple website by searching through the catergories avalible... the account is free to set up just like most other product websites.

    Have fun...

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