
Question about ipod touch?

by  |  earlier

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is there a way to put my music in my ipod without having it to sync it all?

I just tried it and it put so much stuff I dont want in my ipod so I deleted everythin and I want to pick waht I want in it, but every time I plug it in, it syncs all my music in ...





  1. Make folders on your computer, put the songs divided into each folder. Then you can put the songs you want be able to go into your ipod touch. you can select sync options from your ipod touch or computer and then choose that folder then transfer. if u want to know more just research online.

  2. i had the same problem. its easy to fix. put ur ipod in ur computer, let everything sync (even the songs you dont want). then on itunes click on the ipod option in the playlist area, select songs, then select purchased and unselect all music. now it will only put songs that are in the purchased playlist on your ipod. if there are songs you dont want that are in puchased, then just remove them from the purchased playlist. hope this helps :)

  3. When you open itunes and you have plugged in your ipod, an icon should come up on the left saying your ipod

    anyway, there will be an option which you can select/deselect whether to sync all items when ipod is connected or to manually pic which you want.

    You simply pick the manual option and away you go :)

    Hope this helps :)


  4. Do you have itunes? Just click and drag. Open the music folder. and drag it in.

  5. When you first plug it in and it starts syncing, do the "slide to unsync" or whatever thing comes up on your ipod screen. Then click on your ipod icon in iTunes then check off Manually sync my ipod or manually manage my ipod.

  6. On Itunes just plug in ur ipod, a icon for ur ipod should pop up and u can drag songs to a playlist and add the playlist to ur ipod

  7. Click on only sync checked songs and video.

    Then, only check on the stuff you want. The check mark is right next to the song name

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