
Question about joining Delta Sigma Theta?

by  |  earlier

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I started the process of DST, but due to some unfortunate circumstances at home was unable to finish. Will this affect me if I am interested in an alumnae chapter?




  1. That would depend on what those circumstances were and if the process you were engaged in previously was a legal one sanctioned by the Sorority. For now, I cannot think of a reason that you should feel compelled to share this with anyone - if you are interested in an Alumnae chapter, by all means make sure that your credentials are in order, and get to know the members by supporting their programming and events. If/when that chapter decides to have intake, then I would encourage you to keep any information regarding your previous process to yourself and only disclose it to the appropriate persons, and in the appropriate manner (you'll recognize these when the time comes).

    Good luck!

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