
Question about joining police department?

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i am in high school and i want to join the police department in prince georges county, maryland, so i was on their website and i was checking out the qualifications to be a police officer and it said

U.S. citizenship

High school graduate (60+ college credit hours preferred)

21 years of age upon graduation from the Police Academy

Possess a valid driver's license ,so what i don't get is what does 60+ college credit hours preferred mean, is that like going to college or something, because i thought of joining as soon as i got out of high school to be in the academy early, please help me out with this




  1. Humm it means that it is preferred that you go to College. And it means like over here i get 16-25 units a quarter and you have to do atleast 1 year in college.

  2. What it looks like it's saying is that they prefer an AS degree. With that being in there it does not mean that you cannot get hired without one however. It wouldn't hurt you to try getting an AS degree in CJ. Check out on line schools like CTU which is one of the best on line schools to get your CJ degree weather its an AS or BA. IF you have that down on your application they know your pushing for it. Please don't take this the wrong way but after you graduate are you going to be 21? That is a mandated law. You cannot be a LEO without being 21 due to the fact you will carry a sidearm. Federal laws in the US is 21 years old to obtain a pistol permit and even if your a police officer you still have to carry one unless your Fed or state. A substitute fro school which is preferred is military service. A department will hire a person with military service over a piece of paper that says you can pass a test any day of the weak. This isn't just my opinion but is is a statistical fact. Try the national guard or Army reserve and get a contract as an MP. the reserve will give you the GI bill and pay you while you are going to school. You can also get the job as a police officer while enlisted. I'm only throwing out ideas to you but to answer your question no, you don't need the 60 hours or AS degree, they just prefer you to have one.

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