
Question about joining the military...

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I have a question about joining the military; I'm not sure at which branch I want to join yet, but I do know I want to join. I'm an Eagle Scout, I've gone to Boy's State and have had ton's of leadership training. There's one problem with me joining though. I was diagnosed with Epilepsy when I was in 7th grade. I've never had a full seizure or anything close to it. I take daily medicine for it and I'm perfectly fine; both physically and mentally. Now I'm a senior in High School. Is there ANY possible way for me to join the military with this disability? There has to be a way to get a waver of some sort.

Thank you




  1. as an Eagle Scout, you have many options,

  2. ok first of all don't listen to Pyromaniac he's just a dirty worthless hippie. and you might get some kind of waver from your doctor.

    btw i'd love to serve my country even die for it because i love america obviously more than Pyromaniac.

    Good Luck

  3. You're right, you may be able to get a waiver. OR it could be a disqualification. You'll have to speak with a recruiter.

  4. You'll first have to talk to a recruiter.  As for which one is the bigger question.  If you don't really know then ask each one, there are some that may give you a waiver (depending on the MOS military occupational specialty) but you have to figure out what you want to do.  If you want to get involved with law enfocement I would suggest go Coast Guard, if you want to do anything else I'd go Marine Corps.  If you want an easier shot at Special Ops go Army.  If you want to be a Sniper go Marine Corps.  If you have any other questions don't hesitate to ask.  And no I'm not a recruiter.

  5. dont go!!!!!!!they will suck out evey last little bit of humanity out of u like little bloodsucking leeches!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  6. Talk to a recruiter-for all branches you are interested in joining.

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