
Question about keeping kitten in my room?

by Guest56890  |  earlier

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We got a kitten about 3 weeks ago.she is 3 months old.however we have to keep her in my room because my mother is scared of mom is scared of almost every animal,she's even scared of my turtle.She agreed to let me have it as long as I keep it in my room.She said I can bring the kitten out at night to play in the living room and kitchen if i want too.

The reason I aint do that yet is because I dont want her to try to run out the room everytime she see me leave.right now if i leave the room and come back within 5 mins she would be waiting for me right by the door.She never tried to run out the room though.

Would it be ok for me to take her in the living room to play at night or am I better off just keeping her in the room?my mom usually go to sleep around 9 or 10pm




  1. It is cruel to keep a cat locked in one room.  

  2. Get YOUR MOM some nerve pills!

    I think taking it to the living room is ok... but then it might EXPECT to go out and will run out every time you open the door.  

  3. Give your mom a great big hug - she is one great mom to let you have a kitten, even if she is afraid. Try to remember to thank her every day, too, and tell her a cute story about the kitten, or talk about how you feel so adult with your own pet.

    At night, your mom is right, the kitten needs to come out and play - she needs to explore, and jump, and be familiar with the other rooms.  As she gets older, she will learn that there are special times when she can come out, and the rest of the time she stays in one room.  I have cats that wait for me outside the bathroom door - it just means your kitten loves you and misses you.

  4. Answer  -  do that for about 2 weeks ( so it can get used to your room first ) and them it should come out to explore the home bc u dont want your cat to fell lonely do u?????

  5. Your kitten should be fine in your bedroom. They don't sleep much at that age. I have a 6 month old kitten. When I'm at work, I keep her in one of the bedrooms that I've kitten proof. It gives my older cats a break from her. Just watch her so she doesn't get it. Give her lots of love and attention when you can. It's too bad that your mom is afraid. Kittens are so adorable and fun. My parents are babysitting my brother's kitten. She is a little terror, tabby. But she's so cute. You pick her up and you have claws/teeth in your hand. My kitten is nice. She doesn't bite or scratch or hasn't yet. Anyway you can get her mom to get to know the kitten? She sounds young enough where she should just be almost like a baby still.  

  6. Your mother and yourself should have thought more about the welfare of the kitten in the beginning. This cat must be bored out of it's mind! Cats need a lot of stimulation especially kittens, having to eat sleep, eliminate and be confined to one room cannot be healthy for the lil bugger. If you can bring her out of the room as much as possible so she can have some free time out of the room. She will probably try to bolt when you open the door, but that will just prove your cat shouldn't be confined  like that. Good Luck! Hopefully your mother will realize there is nothing to be afraid of.  

  7. as long as you keep them stimulated there should not be a problem.

    i would let it to go wherever it wants at night as it is a cat after all and it needs its freedom

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