
Question about kindergarten?

by Guest61382  |  earlier

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my son is starting kindergarten this year and i am upset to find out that its only half day kindergarten. everyone else i know had their kids in full day. anyway, anyone else have their kids in half day kindergarten?? do they learn just as much as they would in full day?? i don't see how they could. plus he goes for the morning half and we live where it snows so when they have 2 hour delays, he dosen't go in. so i don't see how he is going to get much out of it.




  1. My daughter went to 1/2 day preschool, but went all day for kindergarden.  Do they have nap time and snack time during this half day kindergarten? If so i can't imagine them learning anything.  Good Luck with school. Remember to practice his letters and numbers, how to write there name, colors and shapes ar home.  That's what they really learn in kindergarten anyway.

    Best wishes

  2. My daughter was in one of the last schools in my arean to transition from 1/2 to full day.

    She learned just fine and was still one of the top students in her 1st grade class.  

    Your son might have more homework than the kindergarteners in the other schools.  My daughter always had more homework than her friend that lives in another district.

    No worries, he'll catch-up in first grade, they're still like little sponges!!

  3. Don't worry with the no child left behind law they must make sure he is up to par it's their rears and funding if they do not! IF to many snow days occur they have them go a few extra days at the end of the shool year to make up for it!

  4. I think all he Will be missing is lunch and nap time maybe a little playtime but that's it. i wouldn't worry too much about it. GOOD LUCK!!!

  5. well i know when i was a kid ALL kindergarten was half day, not sure why this has changed but i wouldnt worry about that. as for his being in a morning class check to see if he will switch to afternoon for the second have of the year, that is fairly common too

  6. Where we live, it is full day Kindergarten and they did LOTS of academics and were required to be able to read by the end of the year, count to 100, know all shapes, colors, oposites, be able to write sentences, etc.. etc.. etc... My sister in law lives in Chicago where they had only 1/2 day Kind. and she said they really didn't learn that much- no reading or anything like that, but I don't know for sure. I would definitely try and do some sort of supplimental work with him. Even here with all that the little ones must be able to do by the end of Kindergarten, there is a HUGE difference from K to 1st grade. So much pressure on them!

  7. Hmm I don't know where you live but here in Western Australia we have half days for Kindergarten too and my oldest is 5½ now and she did 4 half days last year for kindy (2 mornings then 2 afternoonsor it could of been the other way around but I chose to get the morning ones out of the way first lol) and she loooved it and learnt soooo much, It seems some other Australian States do full day kindergartentoo but turns out their kindy is our Pre-primary. and is just back to front, very confusing. anyway I'm sure your son will be just fine with the half days. in fact it works out better, being shorter days your son should be able to remember lessons learnt in that time then if he had to remember things all day through other activities.  

  8. He'll get a lot of out it.  It will prepare him for 1st grade next year and he will be taught social skills.

  9. My daughter did 1/2 day and it was fine.  We did the other half a day in a learning center daycare so she still spent the day away from home and with other kids so grade 1 wasnt a shock.  

  10. Actually, yes. When I was in kindergarten, it was half day. In first grade, I went to a new school, and I knew everything for half of the year!!!

  11. Some schools have half days, others have full day but every second day. We had the latter, because of busing.

    When I went to school, I went half days, mornings. On the prairies, in Canada, tons of snow, minus 40 temps!

  12. Isn't the full day every other day?  I thought it was either half day or full every other?

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