
Question about laser eye Surgery, I'm very curious!?

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Ok, so I know that laser eye surgery gives you perfect vision If, 'successfully' completed. But is it still possible to lose that perfect vision after surgery or throughout the years? Is it permanent?




  1. I had it done a few years ago in my early 20's and the place that did gives me what I call a warranty on my eyes.  As long as I go and get a yearly eye check-up, if there are any changes in my vision that require corrective lenses they will do free "touch-ups" on my vision for as long as they can.  It depends on the degree of change and corneal thickness, if I remember right.

    I loved having my surgery.  My eye doctor had it done and the guy he trusted to do his eyes, did mine.

  2. After laser surgery, your eyes can change just like they can change all throughout your life. There is no guaranteed way to perfect your vision and keep it that way. No matter what, in your mid 40's you will start to need reading glasses, so even if you have the surgery in your 20's, with perfect results and no vision changes, by the time you hit your 40's, you going to need glasses. I've had patients who need glasses right after surgery and patients who don't need them for years after surgery, it really varies person to person.

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