
Question about learning disability accommodations?

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I am registered with the office of disabilities for a learning disability in math (discalcula- reversing numbers and operations) and ADD. I was put in a small computer lab that was open to students while my test was in session. The door kept opening and closing which was as distracting as the typing at the computers. I thought my time was up each time I heard the door open which made me scramble. I emailed the disabilities accommodation coordinator after it happened and she just apologized and told me to schedule different room in advance. She said the college has been dealing with a shortage of testing areas for students.

I got my test back and did not do well. I had studied so much and meet with a tutor every weekend. The extra test time was of little benefit to me with the noise that day. My instructor only said that he understood my concern. I have another test in there tomorrow. Considering dropping




  1. can you get a retest as teh accommodations weren't appropriate?

    I would stick with it-and work out a better solution

  2. use earplugs.

    At the college level, you are also required to take charge of your education. I do empathize with you because I also have dyscalculia.

    Doors are going to open and close, not to be mean but other people do have to enter/exit that sane disability accomodations complex while you are taking your test. It would be different if they were talking loud/screaming or blaring music.

    Unlike a public k-12 school a college/university (including community college) does not have to accomodate every person with every degree of every disability.

    Here the admissions and retention standard becomes only 'reasonable accomodation'.

    I believe you studied for the test, but also consider that other people in the college community need to go on working while you are taking that test. A campus office of any size cannot halt because you are testing.

  3. Don't drop. you're not a quitter. Just make sure your accomodation is rigth for you next time.. So, go and retake your test in a better place... Show you know your materia... Not only doing for your self, but for all people with learning disability...

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