
Question about life?

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Can anyone on here honestly say that they are happy with their life and who they are? If you are, what it is that makes you happy with how your life is?




  1. Yes . I can honestly say I'm in a happy place and I've been here for about 2 years ... It's not perfect but it's pretty good .  I'm at a point in my life where I don't need to work and I have a very loving wife. So, I pretty much do as I please.

  2. Yes, but it took a long time.  I wasn't happy by nature - in fact quite cynical and glum.  One day I decided that I hate hating things, and that it was under my control.  I decided to learn, so I read on the subject and spoke with psychologists.  One thing that helped was a journal.  I wrote my thoughts in it, stream of consciousness, every morning.  Then I finished with three statements of gratitude.  At first the gratitude seemed forced, but it got easier as I began to think that way.  Then I'd read back over the pages after a few weeks or months, and would be surprised at how upset I was about things that no longer mattered.  

    My life is NOT perfect, and my dreams are NOT all fulfilled.  But I'm grateful for all I have, and what probably lies ahead, because there is so much good in it.  

    It helps too, to look at people who have less and still get on with life.  Those in wheelchairs, or blind, or poor.  And those in other times and places who had it much harder.

    Gratitude:  I've  never been in jail or broken a bone.  All my senses work.  I have enough clothes for any weather.  I live in an era with toilet paper, antibiotics, and painless dentistry.  I can listen to music of my choice with the flip of a switch.  I have friends I can trust, who make me laugh.  My wife and I love each other (and keep it that way by accepting imperfection and expressing love.)  Many things feel good, like swimming, s*x, chocolate, blueberries, curry, driving, sailing, petting kitties...  There's always something new to learn.  This planet is beautiful.  

    Jesse Colin Young sang it well:

    "You hold the key to love and fear

    in your trembling hand.

    just one key unlocks them both -

    it's there at your command"

  3. I am happy being productive and learning and keeping busy. I used to do alot of drugs and not do anything, but now I have gone back to school and have a good job and keep busy and I am much happier. I got another cat, too. Mainly my hobbies keep me happy.

  4. I´m not sure that, with the exception of people high on religion, anyone is really happy in this life although many people reach a high degree of contentment.

    Happiness is ephemeral at the best of times.

  5. Life is not all about being happy. There are different stages in life...some good, some bad. Christians are not always happy, but we always have peace in the fact that we know and trust in Jesus.

  6. In the face of adversity, medical problems, unfairness, obstructed education, poverty, economic hardship, never married, never had truly decent job, nevertheless:

    I am TRULY HAPPY with my life, and proud of all things accomplished in spite of all the above.

    I am ABSOLUTELY certain that I am on the correct track.  1,000,000 protesters outside my door would not influence me otherwise.

    So you know I MUST be talking about something that is really true, eh?

    Color me happy and successful, going to heavenly reward for a job well and faithfully done.

    For me, God made this all possible.  There were some helpful humans, a distant second.

    I am adamantine for what is right, though.  Far above trying for total PC, popularity or fitting in as hypocrite.

    A useful gift from God that also brought me through it all.

    10,000 Lucifers would not change me, see my blog and answers if you doubt this.

  7. I used to struggle alot with happiness when I was younger. I thought "having" certain things would make me happy. But when I got those things, I wasn't happy. Many years of alcoholism and drug abuse later, I have found that the simple things make me giddy as a school girl. Just waking up is good, everything else is cake. At 47, I'm content with life. It's too bad, in the name of progress, we've made finding happiness so difficult.

    Good Luck! :o)
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