
Question about linear algebra?

by  |  earlier

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how do i do a problem like this?

Thank You




  1. its a vector problem...

    u need to convert the equation form into the vector form

  2. It all depends on s and t. Are these values given?

    9 Places are to be filled up and accomodate 2 unknowns s and t. There must be something more given.

  3. First, find an arbitrary point:

    -2·x - 3·y + 3·z = -17

    Choose z = 1:

    -2·x - 3·y + 3·(1) = -17

    -2·x - 3·y = -17 - 3

    -2·x - 3·y = -20

    Choose y = 0:

    -2·x - 3·(0) = -20

    Solve for x:

    -2·x = -20

    x = 10

    This means that the point ( 10, 0, 1 ) exists on this plane.

    That gives you values for the first column of this equation.


    Now you want two vectors (for s and t) that are perpendicular to each other but parallel to the plane.

    To make this easier, take the fact that a plane equation of the form:

    a·x + b·y + c·z = d

    Has a normal vector (perpendicular to its surface) of the form:

    < a, b, c >

    That means that this plane:

    -2·x - 3·y + 3·z = -17

    Has the normal vector:

    < -2, -3, 3 >


    Now, find a vector that is parellel to the surface:

    -2·x - 3·y + 3·z = -17

    Choose x = 4 and z = 0:

    -2·(4) - 3·y + 3·(0) = -17

    -8 - 3·y = -17

    -3·y = -9

    y = 3

    This gives the point (4, 3, 0) on the plane.

    Find a vector from here to the previous point ( 10, 0, 1 ) :

    < 10 - 4, 0 - 3, 1 - 0 >

    = < 6, -3, 1 >

    Take the cross product of this vector with the normal vector to find a vector that is parallel to the surface but perpendicular to the above vector that is also parellel to the surface:

    < 6, -3, 1 > × < -2, -3, 3 >

    = < -6, -20, -24 >

    If you want, you can change the size of this with a scalar multiple:

    (½) · < -6, -20, -24 >

    = < -3, -10, -12 >


    Using these:

    P, = ( 10, 0, 1 )

    s = < 6, -3, 1 >

    t = < -3, -10, -12 >

    Your answer becomes:

    (periods for spacing only, and the brackets should obviously look like yours)

    [ x ] .. [ 10 ] .. [ 6 .] ..... [ -3 ..]

    [ y ] = [ 0 ..] + [ -3 ] s + [ -10 ] t

    [ z ] .. [ 1 ..] .. [ 1 .] ..... [ -12 ]

    Any value you put in for s and t should give you a point that is on the original plane. Plug them in and then add the rows of the matrices together. (You can try putting in random values for s and t and then putting the results into the original equation to see if they equal -17 in order to test it.)

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