
Question about living "in care" in London?

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I'm 15 years old and life at home is very tough. I'm not going to go on to the details of it but I was just wondering, if I want to live in care then how do I go about doing it?

I heard that you may be able to live in some ones house (usually elderly) or something.. I don't really want to live in a hostel

Please give any information? Thank you




  1. You will have to have a very GOOD reason to be removed from your family and put into care.

    You also have little say in were they place you and who with.

    You could end up any where in the country.

    You only have a few years until you leave home, then you could get a nice "Live In" job at any of the 5 star hotels in London.

    I worked and lived in London for 15 years at the Park Lane Hotel and loved every minute.. much better than a care home.

    Try talking to your family about it.

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