
Question about long relationships? (5+ years)?

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OK, I didn't really know what to put the tittle as...

I've been wtih my boyfriend for almost 5 years, I'm only 17 but i keep wondering about when is he going to leave me. I mean I love him but I just keep reading questions on here about people getting divorced, and i saw about 4 questions TODAY about people getting divorced that have been together for 15 or more years and are NOW getting divorced..its a little depressing So I guess my question is, how do people stay together for the rest of their lives? Because I want to get married, But scared it'll end up in divorce.

I know I'm young now, but I know I want to spend the rest of my life with him but I have fears of him getting bored with me, or tired of s*x in the future how can I over-come this?

How do people keep their relationshipss strong?




  1. You seem to be very insecure ~ I base my opinion on your comments about him growing bored with you, getting tired of s*x and leaving you.

    Not to be offensive, but I strongly suggest that you seek professional counseling, if for no other reason than to get some help with your self esteem.  

    You're right, you are young.  You're spinning your wheels worrying about something that you ultimately have only partial control over ~ that being yourself.

    Sometimes we spend too much energy on the negatives and the positives are cast aside...then we wonder "what went wrong?"  

    Work on yourself first.  You can't expect someone else to make you happy if you're not happy within the confines of yourself.

  2. I was with my first BF for 7 years (15-22 years old). He left me for someone else, she dumped him, he got married, and I an still friends with him.

    You ARE young, that's all there is to say. You DO want to spend the rest of your life with You have NO idea how much two people can change...regardless of age. Right now your lives are so simple, things change and get more complicated as you get older. My advice is to be open to communicate and trust each other. The divorce rate is up to 50%, that still leaves 50% that STAY MARRIED. The reason you read about divorce so much on Yahoo is because people are coming here to ask questions because they are upset. If someone is in a healthy mariage why do they need to come to Yahoo Answers? Don't be discouraged but wait as long as you can! I am 30 and I used to feel so bad about not being married with kids yet...until I went to my 10 year HS reunion, talked with people that had already been divorced, and heard about a woman who couldn't come because she just gave birth to her SIXTH child. That made me feel REALLY good about being patient and waiting. Now, I have been with someone I ADORE for 15 months. Being 30 and in love is just as great as being 22 and married.

  3. It sounds like you and your bf have a very strong relationship, I have been married 23 years, there have been many ups and downs, we have even separated before, but when you both truly love each other, you always figure out a way to make it work,  communication is truly the key, always tell him how you feel, but in a non confrontational way, you want to communicate, not put him on the defense. And as far as the s*x, you won't get bored, as you get older, you learn each other so much better, be creative! Hope all works out for the two of you, good luck!

  4. if u made it past the 4 year bump u should be ok

  5. Everyone is different. If you truly love your b/f and know he feels the same way. Then you have nothing to worry about.

  6. The fact that people are getting divorced as if it's going out of fashion does not mean you are going to get divorce when you eventually get married. We are different individuals, and if you want to stay together for the rest of your life, then make sure you are in love and you really understand each other, you also need to make some sacrifices in any relationship.Above all communication and trust is highly important.

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