
Question about making a homemade hookah?

by  |  earlier

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well for starters i have a clay bowl that fits perfectly on top of a water bottle and just enough tubing to use to pull the for the down stem what would be best to use?......i was thinking an emptied pen shaft / long straw would do the trick but if theres something easier please post........also is 1 water bottle big enough or should i attach 2 water bottles together?............btw ill be smoking chronic out of this




  1. lol i was starting to think you were just really into hookas. the pen shaft would probably be the best bet, cheap and should get the job done, then you can re-use it. im sure one bottle is fine but a double perc is much smoother. but why not just make a gravity b?

  2. wow, that's a LOT of effort you're putting into this. why not just buy a bong- i mean "hookah"?!

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