
Question about medical marijuana?

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how much marijuna do they give patients and how often?




  1. The real question is, how do I get on the list?

  2. Hve you got any kind of sickness, which need marijuana to cure?

  3. opio-coca

       Your question is good but not simple to answer because of a real conflict between federal law and some state laws.  The one federal law for all 50 states is that it is is illegal and a federal crime for anyone to possess any amount of marijuana, no matter how little, AND it is against the law for any doctor to prescribe marijuana for any patient for any reason, even medical use.  However, some states, like California have passed a different law which says it is legal for a doctor to prescribe medical marijuana.  The federal law trumps the state law but the feds do not want to try to enforce the federal law.  The shift in the country is to slowly and legally make it okay to possess a small amount, like 30 grams, BUT illegal to sell it.  CRAZY! but true.  Still, in California, you would need to have a doctor certify in writing that you have a medical need for the weed, maybe for a terminal and painful disease.

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