
Question about meds and counseling

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I am going to see a counselor Monday for my first time ever. I have been living with depression for what seems like an eternity i am finally trying to get help i think i have depression or perhaps am bipolar, anxiety disorder and i think i may have borderline personality disorder. I have a really bad fear of seeing doctors mainly because i hate needles they use in tests. if i see a counselor and they diagnose me with having bipolar or depression i know there are meds to help with this but i dont think they can prescribe them. So how do i get meds do they have a doc prescribe them for me or am i referred to a doctor, because i dont have a physician. And if they refer u to one do they have to do blood work or a physical?




  1. No blood taken and no physical. They will more than likely refer you to a doc to see what can help you.

  2. Hey there,

    First of all, good for you! It's great that you're empowered enough to start the process - and you're on the road to some relief. It takes some courage, so give yourself props.

    A counselor can't prescribe meds, only a psychiatrist can. A counselor will likely want to see you a few times before refering you. But be clear in asking for a reference to a psychiatrist.

    If I were you, and was looking for Rx help I'd go staright to the psychiatrist and skip the counselor. They don't do blood work or a physical. They'll ask you a bunch of questions about your symptoms to diagnose you and then precribe the right (hopefully) meds.

    A counselor is just a stepping stone if you need meds (one that you can skip completely), and they'll want you to work through yuor problems by talking about them.

    Good luck!

  3. Firat of all, the symptoms of bordeline personality and bipolar are very similar, and anxiety is present in both cases so, you most likely have one illness and not a whole bunch like you think. Like others say, no needles are used to diagnose you...It is rather a long process of evaluation (through questions and by taking in consideration your symptoms.) I advise you not to tell them you think you might be bipolar or borderline, etc...let them figure it out themselves (it's their jobs after all and they are more suited than you to come to a conclusion...) Just tell them your symptoms and they will evaluate the situation.

    This being said, you will not have an answer at your first visit. (sorry to disapoint you, but I want you to know what to expect). Counseling is a good thing, alot a good can come out of therapy and it's less intrusive/annoying than taking pills (believe me, the side effects of the pills aren't fun...) And even with medication, therapy is stongly suggested ( I have had better results out of therapy than out of medication.)

    To clear things up for you: the psychiatrist is the specialist that deals with the medication aspect...the psychologist is the person that will listen to you and do therapy with you...(it may also be a counselor, or a social worker...)

    You need a refral for a psychiatrist so, the counselor is in fact needed for that (since you do not have a phisician...)

    Let me warn you in advance, doctors sometimes misdiagnoses a may want to consider consulting more thatn one to get a second, third or fourth opinion...I know this may busrt your buble by realising that the healing process will take off later than you think but, your better of healing the right ilness.(I was diagnosted with depression at 19, then at 27 they said I had bordeline personality disorder and in 2006 they finaly found out I was bipolar type2 and not any of the prior illnesses...)

    What you can do on your own to start your healing process is: take omega 3 (it has to be from fish oil, not from the cereal/grains...). This helps the emotionnal imbalance and will improve your mood alot. You can also take vitamin D supplements (for energy and again your mood...) Also, vitamin B12 is very is in fact a supplement that is "eaten up" by stress and most people suffering from depression have a low count of vitamin B12 in their system. Folic acid also helps to boost your immune system, therefore deal better under stress. All these supplements play a critical role in the brain and nervous system, and they are "over the counter" supplements (you don't need a prescription for them.)

    DON'T take SAM-E or St-John's wort!!! Research has shown that they can be dangerous!! They may make your condition worst or even have potential harmfull side effects!!!

    I hope to have helped you and I wish you good luck and good recovery;)

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