ADHD, tardive dyskensia, hyptonia and a sleep disorder. Johnny is currently on Trazadone, Wellbutrin and Clonodine and has tried several different other medications for the most recent was Metadate. Nothing seems to working to control his outburts. He was diagnosed when he was 2 years old and had a good set of meds then. He was on Risperdal and after two years of being on the drug he developed tardive dyskensia from it and can no longer take it anymore and now ever since then things have not been going well at all.
This is not my child, and I'm curious about several things. What doctor would prescribe risperdal to a 4 yr old (or younger) in such doses that serious side effects like tardive dyskensia would develop. Wouldn't behavioral intervention be first course, not meds? Something smells fishy to me and I'm curious as to what others think. Thanks.