
Question about menstrual flow (heavy/light/)?

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This may sound weird, but does the blood come out less if you are laying down? because yesterday was the first day of my period and I was bleeding pretty heavily, and when I went to bed and woke up there was hardly any blood on the pad. But then when I got up and started walking around suddenly a lot of blood came out.




  1. yeah this happens to me there's nothing wrong. Its because gravity pulls the blood down as it sheds in the womb (uterus) and when your lying down gravity pulls it down to your back (it doesnt harm you though lol) so i wouldnt worry  

  2. mine is heavier at night then during the day. the more active i am the less i bleed

  3. It's actually quite normal to have a lighter flow at night.  The more active you are the heavier your period will be.  Oh and it's also normal to get up in the morning and feel a "gush".  Sometimes what I do when I wake up is sit still for a few minutes before actually getting out of bed (this keeps whatever comes out from making a mess).

  4. Maybe you have a tilted uterus or something. Whatever the reason is, I'm sure it happens to a lot of girls and it's nothing to be worried about. I've never really payed attention to it.  

  5. The same thing happens to me. Obviously if you're standing up the flow is going to come out EASIER not heavier. If you're laying down it's just HARDER for the flow to come out.. its not a lighter flow.

    I recommend showering every morning early to flush yourself out of the sitting remains from sleeping.

  6. lol it normal usually the blood will just sit there when ur laying down so it will flow heavily when u get up, and it could be since you just started it normal for that to happen.

  7. Posture has no direct relation to the menstrual flow. It appears to be only an apparent change in the flow due to posture. It may please be treated as normal. However if the flow is constantly heavy please don't hesitate to see your doctor.  

  8. Gravity works the same for everyone.  So when you're lying down, the menstrual fluids pool in the vaginal vault and/or the uterine cavity.  When you stand up, the fluids move down (that whole gravity thing).  It's not that it makes your period lighter by lying down specifically, it just SEEMS that way.

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