
Question about middle school dance? Both Girls and Guys can answer.

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What would you do in this situwation? You are at your middle school dance. A guy/ girl that you think is an ok person ask you to dance. You say yes. You dance with him/ her for a couple of fast songs. Then a slow song comes on. What would/ do you do? Doyou makean excuse to go to the restroom or do you dance with him/ her? Thanks in advance. BTW I am 14 and in the 8th grade.Any tips would be nice.




  1. If I like them I dance with them. But if you don't, and you make an excuse, they will get the hint and probably will move on.


  2. slow songs are just slow songs a year from now it wont matter you danced with at a slow song

  3. It depends if I liked him. If I did, I'd stay. If not, I'd just tell him I didn't want to dance to a slow song.

    My met this gorgeous guy at a school dance last year (I go to all-girls private so that's where we meet guys) and we danced for all of the fast songs, but I didn't really want to dance with him for a slow song so I just told him I wasn't in the mood and he understood.

    Don't make-up a bathroom excuse, he may think you are on your period or something.

    I don't know what kind of tips you're looking for, but if you need advice on guys or w/e email me on my profile (I've had 6 ex's, 1 current, a twin brother, an older brother, and am super confident around guys)


  4. Ok i just finshed middle school and i know how you feel. The first time someone asked me i said yes cause that was the olny way i could go and i told him i just dont dance to slow songs. But if you really like him the dance with him on the slow songs if you dont just tell him i dont like slow songs and it works. :]

    Hope this helped


  5. if want to, dance. if you dont, then dont, simple as that

  6. i would dance wit anyone and i am not shy. don't be shy have fun.

  7. At my middle school dance, there were no slow songs.

    I'd dance with her, though.

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