
Question about milk??????

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okay, I dont want to drink whole milk anymore because it is really fattiening and thats the only type my family buys would it work it i pored half a glass of milk and a little bit of water or something??




  1. why dont you ask your parents to buy you a different type ?

  2. 2% is NOT GOOD FOR YOU...

    Milk is not that fattiening, its all the c**p the add to it to make dairy product that is bad.


    But you don't need to water it down. And you don't need milk daily or anything. You can get calcium through other means as well...

  3. Chances are high that you won't like how it tastes if you add water......if you want to drink it, just cut out some of your other daily fats.

  4. I dont know but i am guessing that it probobly woldnt work. have them not buy that kind or get them to but you some.

  5. no, it would just be watered down milk (gross) the fat would still be there sorry. ask them to buy 2% instead, if they wont buy skim.

  6. If you wanted to just drink it then that's fine but be aware it tastes like watery milk rather than semi-skimmed or skimmed, but if you were to make a cup of tea or coffee then dilute some whole milk with water to put in it, you'd just end up with slightly milky coffee/tea because there's already water in it and it would just be like using less milk. It doesn't really stand well either, so you couldn't really make up your own milk/water to keep in the fridge.  It's actually low in fat though- it's only around 3.5% fat which is nothing really and is definitely not fattening in that sense, not when you consider that a Big Mac for example is around 11.5% fat. You could try convincing your family to change tho- it doesn't take long to get used to different milk and while whole milk only has 3.5% fat which really isn't much, we can all stand to cut down on fat where possible. There isn't any less calcium in sei-skimmed or skimmed milk.  

  7. well I drink 2%

  8. yes, my boyfriend's friend does that, but that's because he's broke.  He'll buy a carton of whole milk and dilute it with water into different containers.  It's actually a pretty good idea.

    -i just drink 1% though

  9. Buy 2% just for you

  10. when you go to the store ask your mom to get a half gallon of whatever kind of milk you want. Don't put water in it.  I don't think it will do anything and plus it will taste really gross.

  11. when I was pregnant I drank homo milk and I gained 5 pounds a week. I was so fat but baby was so healthy. Unless you are a baby cow or a nursing or pregnant mom then I would try half milk and water. It might not taste the same, ask mom to buy you skim or 2 percent.

  12. yuck! mixing milk with water? gross! dont worry about being fat guys wont think ur fat, and guys especially hate underweight girls so just drink the whole milk and deal with it

  13. I donn't think so. Just buy 2% it tastes fine

  14. if you were to add water to it would be less fattening, but it would taste a little weird.

  15. Use 2% or skim milk or rice milk

  16. milk is good

  17. no

    that would just be like watery-milk.

    just ask that they buy semi-skimmed or fully-skimmed milk next time.

    if you don't want to say that the reason is because you dont want to be fat, just say that it is giving you  bad skin.

  18. why dont you ask the grocery shopper to buy you a 1/2 gallon of 2% or 1% if you drink milk that much so that you can have what you like.

  19. Skim milk is non fat ask your mom for some you need the calcium and vitamin D and watering reg milk is nasty and the fat is still in it.

  20. i don't think so

    i drink whole milk because it has a lot of nutriants in it

    if your not overweight and your a healthy weight i think you should stick to whole milk it's a lot healther than 2% milk or any other kind

  21. Milk is the most refreshing drink to ever come out of a cow.

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